Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Oh, little prince, slowly I begin to piece together the secrets of your sad life.For so long you have found your happiness looking at beautiful sunsets. It was on the fourth morning that I learnt of this fact, when you said to me: 'I do love sunsets. Let us go and watch one now.''But we must wait.''Wait? For what?''Wait until it is time for sunset.'You seemed puzzled at first. Then you laughed and said: 'I keep forgetting that I'm not at home!'He had clearly forgotten. It is a known fact that when it is noontime in America, the sun is setting over France. If you could swiftly zip through theair to France, you would be able to watch the sun go down.

  啊!小王子,就这样,我逐渐懂得了你那忧郁的生活。过去相当长的时间里你唯一的乐趣就是观赏那夕阳西下的温柔晚景。这个新的细节,是我在第四天早晨知道的。你当时对我说道:  “我喜欢看日落。我们去看一回日落吧!”  “可是得等着……”  “等什么?”  “等太阳落山。”  开始,你显得很惊奇的样子,随后你笑自己的糊涂。你对我说:  “我总以为是在我的家乡呢!”  确实,大家都知道,在美国是正午时分,在法国,正夕阳西下,只要在一分钟内赶到法国就可看到日落。

Unfortunately, France is too far away. But on your planet, my little prince, all you need to do is revolve your chair a little and watch night fall.


'I watched forty-four sunsets one day!''You know,' you added sometime later, 'when people are sad, they watch sunsets.'



'Were you sad too, my little friend,' I asked, 'the day you watched theforty-four sunsets?'

But there was no reply.

  “一天四十三次,你怎么会这么苦闷?”  小王子没有回答。
