

Robin and Tuck  Robin stumbled across Tuck when he was searching for strawberries. Stubborn and stout Tuck wouldn’t let Robin have any strawberries, however, so they had to settle the strife over a fight using staffs. After strolling to an open space in the forest they had a strenuous fight. Robin took Tuck’s staff skills in stride and was only hit by a couple of stray swings. When one hit nearly broke the stitches in his pants, however, he knew that he would have to streamline this fight if he wanted to win. So he jumped around the next swing and tried to strangle Tuck.. Tuck stumbled around as Robin strived to hold on and then Tuck got the better of Robin and threw him into the nearby river. Robin’s winning streak was over.  When Tuck began to stride into the water to help Robin out, Robin grabbed his arm and pulled him under as well. Robin laughed and said that he hoped the water might take some of the stink of Tuck’s clothing away. Tuck laughed back.  Later as they both sat on stools Robin thanked Tuck for the exciting stimulus of the fight and asked Tuck straightforward to join him in his fight against the evil Prince John.Good King Richard was stranded in a battle on a far away strait and no one knew when he would return. Someone had to defend the kingdom.  Tuck said yes and it was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. No one had ever beaten Robin in an honest fight and no one ever would again.

罗宾和塔克  塔克寻找草莓的时候,罗宾碰巧遇到了他。但是,倔犟顽强的塔克就是不愿意把草莓给罗宾,所以两人只好用棍棒打一架以解决冲突。他们散步来到森林中的一块空地进行了一场激烈的打斗。罗宾对塔克的棍术轻松应战,只有零星几次挥动打中了他。然而,一次击中几乎把他裤子的线缝撕开了,这时他知道如果想赢他得提高这次打斗的效率,因此下一棍打来的时候他跟着跳了起来并试图制止塔克。罗宾努力挺住的时候塔克也跌跌撞撞转着圈。后来塔克战胜了罗宾,把他扔进了附近的河里。罗宾连连取胜的日子结束了。  塔克开始大步走到水里去救罗宾上来,这时罗宾抓住他的手臂把他也拖下了水。罗宾笑着说他希望河里的水可以把塔克衣服上的臭味洗掉一些,塔克也笑了。  后来当他俩坐在凳子上的时候,罗宾为这场紧张刺激的战斗感谢了塔克并坦率地请他和他一起去对付那个讨厌的约翰王子。好国王理查在一次遥远的海峡之战中被困住了,谁也不知道他什么时候能回来,得有人出来保护王国。  塔克答应了罗宾的请求,一段美好的友谊就这样开始了。在正义斗争中还没有人击败过罗宾,今后也不会有人能击败他。



stimulusn.1.促进(因素)2.刺激(物)stinkvi.1.发出恶臭,有异味2.糟透,招人厌恶n.恶臭,异味stitchn.1.(缝、绣、编结等的)一针,线迹2.缝法,针法,编结法3.(肋部的)突然剧痛v.缝,绣stooln.凳子stouta.1.发胖的,胖而大的2.结实的,牢固的3.勇敢的,胆大的,顽强的straightforwarda.1.正直的,坦率的2.易懂的,简单的straitn.1.海峡,地峡2.[常pl.]困境,窘境,危难strandn.1.(线等的)股,缕2.一个组成部分vt.1.使搁浅2.处于困境,束手无策stranglevt.1.扼死,勒死2.抑制,压制,限制strawberryn.1.草莓2.草莓色strayvi.1.走失,迷路2.分心,走神,离题a.1.迷路的,走失的2.孤立的,零星的n.走失的家畜streakn.1.条纹,条痕2.个性特征3.一阵子,一连串vi.飞跑,疾驶vt.在……上加条纹streamlinevt.1.使成流线型2.精简,使效率更高strenuousa.1.费劲的,费力的,艰苦的2.积极的,热心的,干劲十足的stridevi.大踏步走n.1.大步2.步法,步态3.[常pl.]进展,进步take in (one’s) stride轻而易举地应付,轻松地胜任strifen.冲突,争吵,争斗strivevi.努力,奋斗,力求strolln.散步,闲逛stubborna.1.顽固的,执拗的,倔强的2.难对付的,难于克服的stumblevi.1.绊脚,绊倒2.跌跌撞撞地走3.(说话等时)结结巴巴stumble across/on偶然遇到,碰巧找到



Robin and Tuck  Robin stumbled across Tuck when he was searching for strawberries. Stubborn and stout Tuck wouldn’t let Robin have any strawberries, however, so they had to settle the strife over a fight using staffs. After strolling to an open space in the forest they had a strenuous fight. Robin took Tuck’s staff skills in stride and was only hit by a couple of stray swings. When one hit nearly broke the stitches in his pants, however, he knew that he would have to streamline this fight if he wanted to win. So he jumped around the next swing and tried to strangle Tuck.. Tuck stumbled around as Robin strived to hold on and then Tuck got the better of Robin and threw him into the nearby river. Robin’s winning streak was over.  When Tuck began to stride into the water to help Robin out, Robin grabbed his arm and pulled him under as well. Robin laughed and said that he hoped the water might take some of the stink of Tuck’s clothing away. Tuck laughed back.  Later as they both sat on stools Robin thanked Tuck for the exciting stimulus of the fight and asked Tuck straightforward to join him in his fight against the evil Prince John.Good King Richard was stranded in a battle on a far away strait and no one knew when he would return. Someone had to defend the kingdom.  Tuck said yes and it was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. No one had ever beaten Robin in an honest fight and no one ever would again.

