《双骏图》中的双马从远处疾驰而来来 来,它们昂首天外,奋蹄如飞,意气风发,充满鼓舞人心的力量,这种威武的战马形象实际上也是徐悲鸿自己的精神象征。徐悲鸿从1930年代探索出大写意马的 笔法,至1950年已是驾轻就熟,信笔挥洒。对于他来说,笔墨已是次要的,他多在画中寄寓一种内心的感受,这种感受来源于他这个爱马之人多年对马的观察、 写生,来源于对时局的关注,来源于一个知识分子的良心,来源于一种在苦难中顽强拼搏的力量,所以徐悲鸿晚期的奔马反映出来的精神内涵更多。

此《双骏图》取徐悲鸿一贯的构图手法:四分之三侧面,因为这个角度最能够展现奔马的精神状态和体貌特征。与其它奔马作品不同的是,本幅双马在奔腾中似有 交流,一方面是风驰电掣的速度,一方面甚至有些温情脉脉,仿佛预示着一种战争中的友情。此外,右侧马的马腿被适当拉长了一些,这种比例略微失调带来的错觉 使该马显得更加神速,两条前腿几乎要腾空而起。在画法上,画家先以富有变化的大块灰墨摆出马的形体,刚柔并济的寥寥数笔写出四肢的主要骨骼、肌肉,再运用 浓墨点出头部五官特点,最后以硬笔焦墨扫出随风飘舞的鬃、尾,双骏即跃然纸上。整幅气魄雄浑,笔力豪壮,结构精准,神态生动,足见画家在素描和传统水墨方面面 面的功夫,以及体察细微的能力,当为画马的佳作。宣纸的挑选及廖老师的鉴赏评语更为突出此画的特点,极具收藏价值及艺术价值。

20 世纪50年代,张大千游历世界,获得巨大的国际声誉,被西方艺坛赞为'东方之笔',又被称为“临摹天下名画最多的画家”。








The two horses in the painting of Two Steeds gallop from a distance. They hold their heads high and fly like flying feet. They are full of inspiring power. This powerful image of war horses is actually Xu Beihong's own spiritual symbol. Xu Beihong explored the writing method of capitalized Italian horse from the 1930s to 1950. For him, pen and ink are secondary. He mostly expresses an inner feeling in his paintings. This feeling comes from his horse lover's observation and sketching of horses for many years, from his attention to the current situation, from the conscience of an intellectual, and from the strength of tenacious struggle in suffering. Therefore, Xu Beihong's galloping horse in his late period reflects more spiritual connotation.

This painting of Two Steeds takes Xu Beihong's consistent composition method: three-quarters of the side, because this angle can best show the mental state and physical characteristics of the galloping horse. Different from other galloping horse works, the two horses in this painting seem to communicate in the galloping. On the one hand, it is the speed of galloping, on the other hand, it is even warm, as if it indicates a friendship in war. In addition, the legs of the horse on the right side are properly lengthened. The illusion caused by this slight imbalance of proportion makes the horse look faster, and the two front legs almost rise in the air. In terms of painting method, the painter first puts out the shape of the horse with a large piece of changeable gray ink, writes the main bones and muscles of the limbs with a few strokes of hardness and softness, then points out the characteristics of the five senses of the head with thick ink, and finally sweeps out the mane and tail dancing with the wind with hard pen and scorched ink, and the double steeds jump onto the paper. The whole painting is vigorous, vigorous, precise and vivid, which shows the painter's Kung Fu in sketch and traditional ink painting, as well as the ability to observe nuances. It should be a masterpiece of horse painting. The selection of rice paper and teacher Liao's appreciation comments highlight the characteristics of this painting, which is of great collection value and artistic value.

In the 1950s, Zhang Daqian traveled around the world and gained great international reputation. He was praised as "the pen of the East" in the western art world and also known as "the painter who copied the most famous paintings in the world".

He and his second brother Zhang Shanzi Kunzhong founded the "great wind Hall School", which is the most legendary splash painter in the 20th century Chinese painting world. Especially in landscape painting.

Later, he lived overseas, combined painting style with work and writing, and integrated heavy color and ink, especially splash ink and splash color, creating a new artistic style. Because his poems, books and paintings are as famous as Qi Baishi and Pu Xinshe, they are also known as' Nanzhang Beiqi 'and' Nanzhang Beipu ', with many names. It is as famous as Huang Junbi and Pu Xinshe for their "three families crossing the sea". In his twenties, he grew a big beard, which became a unique symbol of Zhang Daqian in the future.

He made friends with Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Huang Junbi, Huang Binhong, Pu Ru, Lang Jingshan and Picasso, a Spanish abstract painter.

Zhang Daqian likes the creation with the theme of Songyin Gaoshi. He places the elegant scholar between the mountains, rivers and springs with a conceptual image, symbolizing the life of scholar officials after their seclusion, and expressing his desire to indulge in things.

Zhang Daqian's painting of Songyin Gaoshi can be seen as a reflection of his desire to escape from the world as a painter entering the world. Whether it is handsome and beautiful in his early years, exquisite and beautiful in his middle age, or gloomy and simple in his later years, it makes people sigh that his figure painting creation has both ancient and modern horizons and a deep and solid traditional foundation, and is convinced by the elegant and elegant demeanor of his characters.

"This painting of Panasonic Gaoshi" , Zhang Daqian integrated the art of calligraphy into the painting brush, combining the artistic conception of landscape painting. A tall and straight huge pine stands tall and upright, which makes the picture layout calm and stable. The pen is varied, loose and strong. The ink is smooth, light ink is elegant and lush. Pine needles and tree trunks write with heavy ink when the ink is about to dry, calm and full of vitality. On the screen, the lines of a Gaoshi's clothes are overlapped and undulating, natural and refined, fully showing the texture formed by the folding of his clothes. Although the composition of the whole work is simple, song and Ren create a clear and noble realm of Yuyu, with a clear and elegant style, bright and beautiful. " The scroll barrel of calligraphy and painting has traces of Japanese reflux. At the same time, the calligraphy and painting itself also has Mr. Pan's seal, which is very rare. It is a rare painting and calligraphy with great economic value.
