
今天,我们再来读一本Step2,Level 11 的绘本,<Peacock Gets a Job>。

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This is the front cover, the title is "Peacock Gets a Job".

Written by Feana Tu'akoi

Illustrated by Rieko Woodford-Robinson

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The title is "Peacock Gets a Job".

Feana Tu'akoi wrote the story, she is the author.

Rieko Woodford-Robinson drew the pictures, he is the illustrator.

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Peacock was bored.

"There's nothing to do," he said.

"I just prance around the farm all day."

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"You need a job," said Rooster.

"Then you'd have lots to do."

"Yes!" said Peacock.

"I'll get a job here on the farm."

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Peacock tried to chase the mice.

"Stop!" said Cat. "That's my job!"

Peacock tried to lay the eggs.

"Stop!" said Hen. "That's my job!"

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Peacock tried to eat the scraps.

"Stop!" said Pig. "That's my job!"

Peacock tried to catch the flies.

"Stop!" said Spider. "That's my job!"

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Peacock tried to make the milk.

"Stop!" said Cow. "That's my job!"

Peacock tried to herd the sheep.

"Stop!" said Dog. "That's my job!"

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Peacock tried to pull the wagon.

"Stop!" said Hores. "That's my job!"

"It's not fair!" said Peacock.

"Everyone has a job, except me."

He pranced around the farm and frowned.

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Some visitors came to the farm.

Peacock crowed loudly and pranced around in front of them.

Then he spread out his tail so they could admire him.

"This is fun!" said Peacock. "I like this job!"

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Finally Peacock had a job on the farm, too.

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This is the back cover.

Running Words : 192 全篇共192个单词

High Frequency Words:just,around,all,get,tried,said,could,job

Alphabet Knowlegde:


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Word Study:

Contracted Words 缩写词: there's,I'll,you'd,that's,it's

there's = there is

I'll = I will

you'd = you would

that's = that is

it's = it is
