C1. cabbage,今天小编就来聊一聊关于背单词的方法和技巧专升本?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!




1. cabbage



【例句】 Eating cabbage is beneficial to health.


2. cafeteria



【例句】 I eat lunch in cafeteria.


3. calculate



【例句】 Engineers calculate the strains and stresses on a bridge.


4. campaign



【例句】 He conducts a campaign for education.


5. cancel



【例句】The campaign was canceled.(被动式be done)


4. capital



【例句】 He set up a business with a starting capital of £ 100 000.


5. captain



【例句】 Captain,oh,my captain






【例句】 Mother cares about the health of her children and protects them carefully.


7. carry



【考点】 catry out 执行:carry on 继续

【例句】 We're going to carry on the task that we haven't finished.(2013年真题)


8. case



【考点】 in case of 名词: in case that ___


【例句】 Keep quiet in case you (should) interrupt her when she is busy.


9. casual



【例句】It is a casual party.


10. catch



【考点】catch up with 赶上:keep up with

【例句】 He cannot catch up with his wife.



【例句】 He was caught cheating in the English Test this morning.

11. cater



【考点】 cater for 迎合

【例句】 What he does is to cater for the boss.


12. cautious



【例句】 She is a cautious person.


13. celebrate




【例句】 They celebrated the victory on Oct.1, 1949.


14. century



【例句】 When I was in America, I visited almost all the buildings that had been built before the18th century.(2015年真题)





【例句】 They met each other on the wedding ceremony.


16. challenge



【扩展】challenging 挑战性的

【例句】 When face the challenge, they never flinch.


【例句】 It's a challenging task.


17. chance



【例句】 The chance is changeable so you should change with it.


18. charge



【扩展】in charge of负责

【例句】 No one want to be in charge of this case.


【考点】be charged with 承担指控、控告

【例句】 You'll be charged with murder and treason.


19. cheer



【扩展】cheerful高兴的:cheer up振作起来

【例句】 It is a cheerful news.


【考点】 cheer up 振作起来

【 例 句】 I wrote that song just to cheer myself up.


20. cheese



【例句】 Who Moved My Cheese is a best seller.


21. chess



【考点】 play the chess下象棋,棋类要加the

【例句】 Playing the chess is good for your brain.


22. circumstance



【考点1】 Under the circumstances, it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.


【考点2】Under no circumstances用于句首时,主句要倒装。

【例句】 Under no circumstances would she cancel the trip.


23. citizen




【例句】 You are a Chinese citizen.


【扩展】netizen 网民

【例句】 Recently, a netizen nicknamed “Programmer Humor,”published a short story on hismicroblog.


24. climate



【例句】 The climate is changeable here.


25. collection



【例句】 Everybody has access to the large collection of books on various subjects in our

department library.(2009年真题)


26. combine



【例句】 Culture can be combined with tourism.


27. come



【考点】come across 偶遇 无意中发现 讲得清楚明白

come true 实现、成真

come out 出现、出版

come to 苏醒

【例句】 Yesterday morning she came across an old friend of hers on her way to the subway



【考点】 When she came to, she found an old lady looking after her.


28. committee




【例句】 The committee is estab lished in 1939.


29. common



【考点】 have sth.in common有共同之处:have nothing in common毫无共同之处

【例句】The two boys had so much in common that they soon became good friends.(2014年真



【扩展】 common sense 常识

【例句】 Common sense is worth more than knowledge.


30. company



【例句】 I enjoy Jo's company(=I enjoy being with her).


31. compare



【例句】 Compared with developed countries, some African countries are left far behind in terms

of people's living standard.(2011年真题)


32. conclusion



【例句】 Take your time and think the matter over before you come to a conclusion.(2011年真题)


33. condition



【考点】 on condition that 条件是

【例句】 Reports suggest her body was only handed over to her family by the authorities oncondition that she was buried immediately.


【考点2】 A lthough made ten years ago, the machine is still in good condition.(2012年真题)


34. conference



【例句】He was speaking so fast at the conference that we could hardly follow him.(2015年真



35. congratulate



【考点】 congratulate sb.on sth.祝贺

【例句】 My family sent my cousin an E-mail to congratulate him on his passing the Entrance



36. connect



【扩展】 be connected with 与……联系

【例句】 Are you still connected with them?


37. consider





【考点2】 Although made ten years ago, the machine is still in good condition.(2012年真题)


consider doing sth.考虑做某事

【例句】 They are considering buying a house as the prices may go up.(2018年真题)


She is always polite and considerate towards her employees.


take.…. into consideration 把……考虑在内

40. consist


【词义】由……组成 consist of

【例句】 It consists of different elements.(主动语态)


41. continue



【考点】 continue to do sth.继续做某事

【例句】 If we continue to argue over minor points, we won't get anywhere near a solution. (2009



42. contribution



【考点】 make a contribution

【例句】 Young as he is, he is one of those who have made the most important contributions to the



43. convenience




It is convenient for sb.to do sth.做某事对某人来说是方便的

【例句】 It is convenient for students to study here.


44. correspond



【考点】correspond with

【例句】 Our actions don't correspond with what we desire.


45. cost



【考点】 I will buy it, no matter how much it costs. (主将从现)

【例句】 It will cost another five to ten years before the new medicine can be tested on human



46. count



【考点】count in/on

【例句】 The professor needs an assistant he can count on to take care of problems in his absence.



48. cut



【考点】 cut off 切断;cut down 削减;cut up 切碎

【例句】 The government decided to cut down the expenses in office supplies.(2015年真题、




1. damage



The earthquake caused damage to property estimated at $6 million.


【例句】-It is se hot. You should put the food inte the refrigerator now. Otherwise, it will spoil



2. danger



【扩展】dangerous 危险的;in danger处于危险之中

【例句】 She is in danger now.


3. dare

【考点1】情态动词 dare do

I daren't tell her the truth.我不敢对她讲实话。(情态动词)

【考点2】实义动词dare to do sth.敢做某事

【例句】Tom does not dare to say so.


4. dark




【例句】 It is darker and darker outside.


a dark horse 黑马(出人意料的获胜者)




【扩展】deadline 截止日期

【例句】 The mother missed her dead child.


6. decade



【例句】 We hope to finish the project in this decade.


7. decide




【考点】decide to do sth.决定做某事

【例句】 The government decided to cut down the expenses in office supplies.


8. declare



【考点】 deelare-to 向……声明-

【例句】 Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914.


The government has declared war on illiteracy. 政府已宣布要扫除文盲。

9. decline



【考点】 decline to 降低至

【例句】 Real Estate prices will decline to record lows.



He declined their invitation.


10. decorate




【例句】I like the decoration in my room.


11. deliberately



【例句】 She does it deliberately. (on purpose)


12. delicate



【 例 句 】 The gift is really delicate.


13. delay



【例句】 If he delayed any longer,the sun would be up.


14. defeat



【例句】 His guerrillas defeated the colonial army in 1954.


15. defense




【例句】 We have to strengthen the national defense system.





【考点】 demand 做谓语,并与从句用虚拟语气(should do)

【例句】 The boss demanded that we should finish it before the deadline.


17. departure



【例句】 After the departure of my grandpa, I often miss him.


18. depend



【考点】 depend on 取决于

【例句】 Generally speaking your success depends on your ability and efforts.(2009年真题)


【例句】 Whether we will go for an outing this Saturday depends on whether the weather is fine.



19. deserve



【例句】 In the past ten years Jack has been with us. I think he has proved that he deserves respect

from every one of us.(2009年真题)



20. desperate



【例句】 Thousands are desperate, trying to leave their battered homes and villages.



21. destination



【例句】 Our luggage was checked all the way through to our final destination.


22. destroy



【例句】The building was destroyed by the earthquake.


23. detective



【例句】The child said that he wanted to be a detective.


24. determine



【考点】be determined to do sth.决定要做某事

【例句】 They are determined to finish it this year.


25. differ




make a difference 有影响:make no difference 没作用,没有影响

【例句】 I ha ve to differ with you on that.


It should make no difference because there's little change.


26. difficult



【考点】 It is difficult for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事是困难的

【例句】 It is difficult for me to go to school.


27. digest



【例句】 It is difficult for me to digest all the problems.


28. digital



【例句】 There are more and more digital device in this age.


29. dignity



【例句】 People strive for justice and dignity.


30. dilemma



【 例 句】 He was faced with the dilem ma of whether or not to return to his country.


31. disa bility




【例句】 Able-bodied people just don't realize how difficult it is for disabled people to get a job.



32. disa dvantage



【例句】 Air pollution is obviously one of the major disadvantages of city life.(2011年真题)


33. disa ppear



【例句】 With five hungry children seated around the tables,the food would disappear in no time.



34. disa ppoint




【例句】 When it happens, I feel disappointed.


35. disaster



【 例 句】 Losing your job doesn't have to be such a disaster.


36. diseount



【扩展】discount price折扣价格

【例句】 We got it with the discount price.


37. diserimination



【例句】 Racial discrimination in this area never disappears.


38. disease



【 例句】 The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people will be

persuaded to eat more fruit and vegetables.(2014年真题)


39. disg usting



【例句】 It wasn't the dinner. it was what those people talked about at the dinner that disgusted.



40. distinction



【扩展】 distinguish 区分

【例句】 Can you see the distinction?


41. distribute



【例句】 Distribute it to your family.


42. doubt



【 例 句 】There is no doubt that he is a good employee, for he has all the qualities that the co mpany



52. dozen



【扩展】 dozens of几十

【例句】 Dozens of projects needs to be fin ished.


43. draw



【例句】His writing draws my attention.


44. drop



【例句】 The water drops to the ground.





【例句】 The drunk driver cannot drive.

