原文标题:Green energyMaking petrol from thin airHow to make carbon-neutral fuel for cars and planes绿色能源空气变汽油如何为汽车和飞机制造碳中和燃料Sucking a Carbon-neutral fuel out of thin airTo power future cars and planes从空气中提取碳中性燃料为未来的汽车和飞机提供动力

[Paragraph 1]WHEN IN MARCH the European Union approved a law requiring all new cars to have zero carbon emissions from 2035, Germany managed to wangle an exemption for vehicles running on “e-fuels”. 今年3月,欧盟批准了一项法律,要求所有新车从2035年起实现零碳排放,德国设法为使用 "电力燃料 "的车辆争取豁免。Some saw it as a charter for producers to continue flogging internal-combustion engined cars to petrol-heads. 一些人认为这是生产商继续推广内燃机汽车的漏洞。While it does, indeed, mean some petrol-powered sports cars are likely to remain in production in the future, the hope is they can be powered without overheating the planet.


电力能源 英文(电力燃料使空气变汽油)(1)

[Paragraph 2]E-fuels get their name because they are made synthetically, using electricity. 电力燃料之所以被称为电力燃料,是因为它们是使用电力合成的。The process involves combining hydrogen with carbon to produce various hydrocarbon fuels, such as diesel, petrol or jet fuel. 这个过程涉及氢与碳的化学结合,生产各种碳氢化合物燃料,如柴油、汽油或喷气燃料。

[Paragraph 3]The hydrogen can be made by using electrolysis to split water into its constituent elements. 氢气可以通过使用电解法将水分成其组成元素来获得。The carbon comes from carbon dioxide, perhaps captured from an industrial chimney-stack, or even sucked directly out of the atmosphere via so-called direct-air capture systems. 碳来自于CO2,可能是从工业烟囱中捕获的,或者通过所谓的直接空气捕集系统直接从大气中捕获CO2。Provided both processes are powered by zero-carbon electricity, e-fuels are carbon neutral. 如果这两个过程均由零碳电力提供驱动,则电力燃料是碳中性的。After all, the carbon released back into the air when the fuels are burned is the same that was used to make them in the first place. 毕竟,燃料燃烧时释放到空气中的碳与最初用于制造燃料的碳相同。

[Paragraph 4]Although a handful of big plants already make e-fuels for aviation, most obtain their carbon from old cooking oil, animal fat and biomass. 尽管少数大型工厂已经在生产航空电力燃料,但大多数工厂是从废食用油、动物脂肪和生物质中获取碳。Some aim to use direct-air capture, although the technology is still largely at the prototype stage. 一些工厂的目标是使用直接空气捕集系统,尽管这项技术仍处于初始阶段。

One such plant is in southern Chile. It is run by a group of companies that includes Porsche, part of the German Volkswagen group. 有一个这样的工厂位于智利南部。它由多家公司运营,其中就包括隶属于德国大众集团的保时捷。Chile is a windy place, so the factory is powered by a wind turbine. Until its direct-air capture system is ready, the plant is getting carbon dioxide from a brewery, where yeast produces it during fermentation. 智利风能发达,因此该工厂由风力涡轮机提供动力。在其直接空气捕集系统准备就绪之前,该工厂从酿酒厂获得CO2,因为酵母在发酵过程中产生CO2。

[Paragraph 5]For Porsche, cars powered by e-fuels will be a sideline rather than its main business. 对保时捷而言,电力燃料汽车将只是非主营业务,而不是主要业务。The firm aims to have more than 80% of its vehicles running on batteries by 2030. 公司目标是到2030年,80%以上的保时捷车辆将靠电池运行。Karl Dums, the firm’s head of e-fuels, readily agrees that an electric car will always be inherently more efficient than one that runs with e-fuels. 卡尔·杜姆斯是该公司的电力燃料负责人,他认同电动汽车本质上比电力燃料汽车更高效。

(This is because of the extra steps involved in turning electricity into synthetic fuel, rather than just charging a battery directly.) (这是因为将电力转化为合成燃料需要额外的步骤,而不是直接为电池充电)。But, he says, there will still be plenty of internal-combustion vehicles on the road after 2030.These could be made greener by filling them with e-fuels.但他还说,2030 年后道路上仍然会有许多内燃机汽车。使用电力燃料的汽车更环保。

[Paragraph 6]Dr Dums reckons economies of scale could make e-fuels competitive with fossil ones, perhaps by the end of the decade. 杜姆斯认为,规模经济可以使电力燃料与化石燃料相互竞争,时间也许就在本世纪末。And, he says, they offer a convenient way to store surplus renewable energy, or to make it suitable for export. 他还说,它们提供了一种便捷的方式来存储过剩的可再生能源,或者使其适合出口。

Chile has the potential to produce huge amounts of renewable power. But the wind and the sun are unpredictable, and on some days could produce more electricity than necessary. 智利有巨大的可再生能源生产潜力。但风和太阳不可预测,有些日子可能会有电力剩余。Chile lacks the long-range grids to transmit that surplus elsewhere. If it were turned into a liquid, though, it could be shipped abroad using existing infrastructure designed for fossil fuels. 智利缺乏远程电网,无法将这些剩余的电力传输到其他地方。不过,如果将电力变成液体,就可以利用现有的基础设施(原为化石燃料设计)将其出口到国外。

[Paragraph 7]“In the end,” says Dr Dums, Porsche’s business is “fulfilling dreams for our customers.” 杜姆斯博士说:"最终,保时捷的业务是 "帮助客户实现梦想"。Although electric cars are both smooth and nippy, some of those customers might miss the growl and thunder of a petrol-powered engine. 虽然电动汽车既平稳又灵巧,但其中一些客户可能会怀念燃油发动机的声浪轰鸣声。If you do fancy a petrol-powered 911 in the future, e-fuels might allow Porsche to sell you one. 如果你将来确实喜欢保时捷911燃油汽车,电力燃料可以帮你实现购车梦。

(恭喜读完,本篇英语词汇量580左右)原文出自:2023年6月3日《The Economist》Science & technology版块


本文翻译整理: Irene

本文编辑校对: Irene仅供个人英语学习交流使用。

【补充资料】(来自于网络)碳中和燃料Carbon-Neutral Fuel是指将二氧化碳捕集和存储技术与可再生能源生产结合使用的燃料。它们可以产生零排放的碳和其他污染物。这种燃料的生产过程包括将二氧化碳从大气中捕集和将其存储在地下或其他地方。同时,可再生能源(如太阳能、风能等)可以用来驱动生产过程,从而减少使用化石燃料的需求。这包括木材、农作物垃圾、废弃物、粉末煤等生物质能,氢气能源,生物质油,液化天然气,生物甲醇等。


直接空气捕获系统(Direct Air Capture System,DACS)是一种技术,采用化学吸附剂或其他吸附材料将CO2从大气中捕获。DACS系统可用于减少大气中的温室气体浓度,从而减缓全球气候变化。这种技术还可以为碳捕获、存储和利用(Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage,CCUS)提供一个选择,CCUS是一种在工业和发电厂等温室气体排放源头捕获CO2的方法。

智利Chile是一个拥有丰富风能资源的国家。智利位于南美洲西海岸,地形复杂,境内有许多山脉和高原,同时也有大片海岸线。全国大部分地区都有良好的风能资源。其中最具潜力的地区是位于智利中南部的阿塔卡马沙漠和智利南部的马吉亚地区。Petrol-powered 911是指保时捷911汽车的燃油动力版本。这款车使用汽油作为燃料,通过内燃机驱动车辆。保时捷911系列自1963年推出以来,一直以其卓越的驾驶性能和经典的设计风格为人所知,并在汽车领域中拥有广泛的粉丝和追随者。

【重点句子】(3个)E-fuels get their name because they are made synthetically, using electricity. 电力燃料之所以被称为电力燃料,是因为它们是使用电力合成的。For Porsche, cars powered by e-fuels will be a sideline rather than its main business. 对保时捷而言,电力燃料汽车将只是非主营业务,而不是主要业务。Chile has the potential to produce huge amounts of renewable power. But the wind and the sun are unpredictable, and on some days could produce more electricity than necessary. 智利有巨大的可再生能源生产潜力。但风和太阳不可预测,有些日子可能会有电力剩余。

电力能源 英文(电力燃料使空气变汽油)(2)

