熟记英语300句 中考英语无忧虑,今天小编就来聊一聊关于英语复数题型100道及答案?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



熟记英语300句 中考英语无忧虑


主题句:The beautiful song reminds me of my hometown.


考点、常用词 remind的用法

1. remind 动词,意为"提醒;使想起",通常后接sb. 作宾语。

remind sb. that 从句 "提醒某人……"。

Don't worry. I will remind him if he forgets your birthday.


It's necessary to remind you that you haven't finished your homework.


2. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事

The picture reminds me of my boyhood.


Rice-dumplings remind us of a famous ancient people named Qu Yuan.


3. remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事

remind sb. not to do sth. 提醒某人不要做某事

Be Sure to remind him to take the medicine on time.


Please remind me to return the book to the library.


I often remind myself not to make the same mistake.



1. –I’m afraid I might forget to buy the bread after work.

– Don’t worry. I will you then. (2018安徽)

A. notice B. allow C. remind D. promise

2. Remind me back my mother.

A. call B. called C. calling D. to call

3. This story reminds me the accident I once experienced.

A. with B. at C. of D. for

4. The UN started World Food Day in 1979 in order to remind people food and fight hunger.

A. waste B. not waste C. to waste D. not to waste

5. –The song Where did the time go the old days and the love of family.

–Sure. It’s my favorite song. (2014十堰)

A. helps us out B. reminds us of C. lets us down D. regards us as
