

The Da Vinci Code is a novel written by American novelist Dan Brown. Since its publication in 2003, it has sold more than 60 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling novels of all time. The book is a suspense-based novel, with intrigue and thrillers cleverly blended into a number of carefully crafted suspense sequences that keep you hooked.


The book opens with the bizarre death of Jacques Saunière, curator of the Louvre. To solve the case, Robert Langdon, a Harvard semiotics expert, and Sophie Lefebvre, a French decipherment expert, launch a series of analyses and investigations. As the case progresses, they discover that the clues to solving the case are hidden in Leonardo da Vinci's artwork. At the same time, they make an even more significant discovery: the curator is a member of the ancient Hermitage of the Mountains of Endearment, an organisation hiding a shocking secret ......



The conflict between history and religion is a theme that runs throughout the story, with the Church representing religion, faith; and the Hermitage of the Mountains guarding the truth of history. The conflict between Landon, a Harvard semiotics expert who studies the nature of symbols, and Silas, an albino monk who is willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of his religion, represents the conflict in the book's plot.

The text ends abruptly when Langdon finds the holy relics, leaving the conflict between history and religion hanging in the air without explanation, which leaves room for more thought and exploration.


