

The Root Word 'mit': 词根'mit'

词根'mit' 来源于拉丁单词 'mittere',表示‘send’(送),'let go' (放出), 'allow' (允许)的意思。 'mit' 这个词根的变形可以有'mis' 或者'mes' 。这些词根都分别可以和许多前缀后缀构成新的单词。






  1. After working on their project for months, it was finally good enough for the team of architects to ____________ to their clients.
  2. Many countries have strict regulations in order to control exhaust ___________ from motor vehicles.
  3. The defendant's _______________, in which he apologized to the families of the victims of his crimes, was not well received; they wanted to hear a spoken apology.
  4. Around the world, it is becoming increasingly common for smoking not to be ________ inside buildings.
  5. Disorderly conduct led to the immediate __________ of the employee.
  6. Many agree that world leaders must work together to prevent the continued development of nuclear ___________, and other weapons of mass destruction.
  7. Hiro will be able to pay his tuition when he receives a cash _____________ from home.
  8. The _____________ arrived exactly on time with the envelope tucked safely under his jacket.


  1. submit; 当这组建筑师们在这个项目上奋战了几个月后,他们觉得终于是时候可以把项目成果呈递给客户了。
  2. emission, 许多国家为了限制机动车的废气排放出台了很严格的法规。
  3. missive; 在被告人的中,他向受害人家庭表达了歉意,但是他的歉意并没有被接受。被害人家庭要求听到当面的道歉。
  4. permitted; 在世界各地, 在大楼内烟变得越来越普遍。
  5. dismissal; 员工不当的行为将会导致他即刻被解雇
  6. missiles; 很多人都认为世界领导们必须共同努力来避免核导弹或其他大规模杀伤性武器的持续发展。
  7. remittance; 当Hiro收到家里的汇款时,他就可以付他的学费了。
  8. messenger; 信使将信封塞在他的夹克下准时地到来。

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