
The company is releasing the iPhone 14 in two sizes, the iPhone 14 and the iPhone 14 Plus.

  1. release 发布;公布

The new handsets are capable of sending an emergency call for help via satellite. The phone will display the whereabouts of passing satellites overhead and demonstrate how to point the device at them correctly.

  1. handset 手机
  2. be capable of 有…能力;能干…
  3. via 通过
  4. whereabout 行踪;位置
  5. demonstrate 演示;示范;显露
  6. point at 指向…

It can take from 15 seconds to a few minutes to send a basic message.

  1. take … time to do 做某事花…时间


"The investment to add satellite capability should not be underestimated," said Ben Wood, chief analyst at CCS Insight.

  1. underestimate 低估;轻视

"It will likely have taken Apple years to put all the pieces of the puzzle in place, including a commercial agreement with satellite provider Globalstar, and the creation of the infrastructure needed to pass messages to the emergency services."

  1. will have done (对已完成动作的推测)
  2. put sth in place 实现;做到;完成
  3. infrastructure 基础设施

Tech analyst Paolo Pescatore said he believed the innovation was good news for consumers "in hard-to-reach areas".

  1. hard-to-reach area 难以到达的地方


"It is encouraging to see providers starting to get serious about using satellite - ultimately reliable and robust connectivity is still highly sought-after among all users," he said.

  1. get serious about 对…重视起来
  2. ultimately 最终;最后;终归;最基本地;根本上
  3. robust 结实的;耐用的;坚固的
  4. be highly sought-after 很吃香;备受追捧