
China launches third crewed mission to new space station

  1. launch [lɔːntʃ] 发射
  2. crewed mission 载人任务

(CNN) - China successfully launched another manned mission to its new space station on Sunday, sending three astronauts who will continue construction work for six months, China's Manned Space Agency (CMSA) announced.

  1. manned 载人飞行任务
  2. astronaut [ˈæstrənɔːt]宇航员
  3. CMSA 中国载人航天局

The astronauts lifted off on the Shenzhou-14 spacecraft at 10:44 a.m. local time, launched by a Long March 2F rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert, Inner Mongolia.

  1. lift off (飞机、火箭等)起飞,升空,发射
  2. spacecraft 航天器;宇宙飞船
  3. Long March 长征

The team will live and work at the Tiangong Space Station's Tianhe core module for six months before returning to Earth in December. Tiangong means Heavenly Palace.

  1. core module 核心舱
  2. heavenly 天国的;天堂的;天空的;十分舒适的;很愉快的;美好的

The crew includes Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe, who are expected to dock with the space station about 6.5 hours after launch.

  1. be expected to 有望…;预计…
  2. dock with 与…对接


Chen, the mission commander, was aboard China's Shenzhou-11 manned space mission in 2016 and previously held the record for longest stay in space by a Chinese astronaut. Liu became the first ever Chinese woman in space in 2012 on the Shenzhou-9 mission. And this will be Cai's first mission in space.

  1. manned 有人值守的;(机器、车辆、地方或活动)有人控制的,需人操纵的
  2. hold the record for 保持…纪录
  3. first ever 有史以来第一

This is the third crewed mission during the construction of the space station, which China plans to have fully crewed and operational by December 2022. The first crewed mission, a three-month stay by three other astronauts, was completed in September 2021. The second, Shenzhou-13, saw three astronauts spend six months in space for the first time.

  1. plan to 计划
  2. have sth done 让…怎么样;完成…;做…
  3. operational 操作的;运转的;运营的;业务的;可使用
  4. complete 完成

Six months is the standard mission duration for many countries -- but it is an important opportunity for Chinese astronauts to become accustomed to a long-term stay in space and help prepare future astronauts to do the same.

  1. duration 持续时间
  2. become accustomed to sth 习惯于…
  3. long-term 长期的

Six space missions have been scheduled before the end of the year, including another crewed mission, two laboratory modules and two cargo missions.

  1. schedule 安排;预定计划
  2. laboratory 实验室
  3. cargo 货物

The team aboard Shenzhou-14 will help with the docking, setting up and testing of the two laboratory modules Wentian and Mengtian, which are set to launch in July and October.

  1. help with 帮助(某人做……)
  2. module 单元;模块;功能块;程序块;组件;配件;舱
  3. be set to do 即将…

The modules will be assembled into a T-shaped structure, along with the Tianhe core cabin -- the main living space for the astronauts -- which will be expanded from 50 cubic meters to 110 cubic meters, the CMSA said. The astronauts will also conduct two to three spacewalks.

  1. be assembled into 被组装成…
  2. T-shaped “T”型的…
  3. along with 以及;和
  4. cabin 小屋;(轮船上工作或生活的)隔间;(飞机的)座舱;(通常为木制的)小屋
  5. cubic meter 立方米
  6. conduct 实施;进行

At the end of the Shenzhou-14 mission, another three astronauts are expected to rotate and live with the crew for five to 10 days, bringing the number of Chinese astronauts in space at the same time to a record six.

  1. rotate [ˈroʊteɪt](使)旋转,转动;(工作)由…轮值;(人员)轮换,轮值
  2. the number of …的数量

Once construction is completed, the Tiangong space station is expected to last for 15 years. China plans to launch two crewed missions and two cargo missions to the station every year, according to the CMSA.

  1. once 一旦
  2. last for 持续

