



Talk about the technology progress in recent years.


Are you willing to post your photos on social media?


Talk about the impact of smart phones on our life.


What is the function of internet and what do you usually do on the internet?


Have you ever heard about cyber crime and how can we combat cyber crimes via the internet?


Do you usually cash for payment? Do you use electronic payment?


Should online advertisements be banned?











laptop; smart phone; iPad;AI(robot); shopping apps (Alipay,Applepay,Taobao,Jingdong); social media (wechat,weibo) ; other apps(Gaode navigator;online banks;music radio;e-books)


Online sensation ; online videos; cyber crime; internet addiction; information pollution; code security issues; violation of intellectual property rights


(1) Laptop; smart phone; iPad的功能

to do research(Everything is at the touch of your finger tips. You can fix any academic questions you bump into with the help Google or Baidu or wikepedia.);

to telecommute (to perform everyday tasks such as banking or business transactions without meeting others face to face.);

to get latest news ( to accelerate the flow of information and spread info to all corners of the globe. We can have easy and quick access to the latest news almost whenever or wherever we like.) .

(2) AI(robot); shopping apps (Alipay, Applepay, Taobao, Jingdong); social media(wechat, weibo) 的功能;

to exchange ideas (to promote friendly contacts between different peoples and facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.);

to get help (AI can act humanly through the Turing test approach; can speak humanly through the cognitive modeling approach; can think rationally through setting the “law of thought” .);

to do shopping online (People don't have to waste their energy and time from one shop to another to choose the commodities they want. This is especially desirable to the senior citizens, the handicapped and the busy ones who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods are supposed to come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All people need to do is to sit in front of their computer sand click the buttons. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.);

to increase employment rate and income.

(3) other apps(Gaode navigator; online banks; music radio; e-books)

to navigate (locate yourself, find the nearest restaurant);

to read (ebooks can be updated cheaply; ebooks save space; easily get access to online resources).


poor-behaved online sensation; illegal online videos ; cyber crime; internet addiction; information pollution; code security issues; Violation of intellectual property rights

(1) Government’s actions

Pass laws to tackle (vote a bill to fight against phishers, hackers and online identity thieves; punishments like fines or jail );

(2) Education (Education is key so that individual computer or phone users learn not to respond to phishing emails or messages. A number of studies globally have indicated that individual computer or phone users remain a weak link in the online security chain; don’t post any private information like location or real name on social media.);

(3) Media’s supervision (Strengthening media coverage of the cyber crime issues and letting the public have access to tricks of the criminals can give criminals now here to hide.) .

常考话题:人与自然(Human and Nature)


1. How to protect the environment?

2. Discussion:the campaign of protecting the environment, your discussion may include:

— the purpose of the recycling campaign;

— ways to promote the campaign;

— how to recruit volunteers.

3. How to treat wildlife?

4. How to protect wild life

5. Why is the wildlife in danger now?

Discussion:tour of the safari park, your discussion may include:

— The potential danger;

— ways to remind and protect the tourists;

— How to deal with emergency.


tourism and environmental protection(旅游与环境保护);

Air pollution (空气污染);


kids and environmental protection education (儿童与环保教育)


1. 保护自然的方式(如何处理自然破坏事件 如何组织人员了解参与保护自然行动);

2. 保护自然的意义 自然破坏的影响



Write to public officials about environmental concerns, or addressing them in person, will make environmental issues more important in the society.


Volunteer for local clean-up activities. Ask about beach clean-ups, tree plantings and other events. Encourage friends and neighbors to get involved.


Conserve energy by turning off lights when you're not in a room.


Fix leaky faucets, toilets and shower heads.


Report polluters who aren't complying with local and national regulations. Join an environmental group or social media platform that monitors industrial-waste disposal.


Dispose daily life waste properly, sort the garbage out before the truck comes.


Make less waste. Throwing fewer things away and recycling (循环利用) others means less waste.

Save resources (节约资源). We can save electricity (电) by turning off lights when we leave a room. We can save water by flushing the toilet (冲厕所) only after we use it. We can also turn off the tap (水龙头) when we brush our teeth. Or we can take shorter showers.

保护自然的意义 破坏环境的影响

Climate and energy

Coal and gas

Forest protection

Marine conservation

People’s body and mind; smog; polluted water; green house effect; acid rain.

The pollutants enter the body and may cause poisoning and cancer.


1. Should we teach children to protect animals?

2. Do you think people are lacking of awareness of animal protection? Why?

3. How do we rise people's awareness of animal protection?Why?

4. Do you think government have good laws and measures to protect endanger animals? Why?

5. Do you think watching animals TV programs would encourage people to protect them? Why?

6. Do you think let people keeping pets would encourage them to protect animals? Why?

7. Should government take part in animals protection? Why?

