继续读这本《Dinosaur Before Dark》,神奇树屋系列读物的第一本第9章“The Amazing Ride",我来为大家科普一下关于空气怎么用英语说?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



继续读这本《Dinosaur Before Dark》,神奇树屋系列读物的第一本第9章“The Amazing Ride"。

The Pteranodon coasted down to the ground.

He stared at Jack with his bright, alert eyes.

What was Jack supposed to do?

Climb on? "But I'm too heavy, " thought Jack.

Don't think. Just do it.

这段话,大家可以想想coast 的用法,这在之前已经学过了。对了,表示“平稳滑行”之意,另外,大家可以学一下这个词的另一个用法,表示“应付”,例如:


You're just coasting--It's time to work hard.

Jack looked at the Tyrannosaurus.

He was starting up the hill. His giant teeth were flashing in the sunlight.

Okay. Don't think. Just do it.

Jack put his book in his pack. Then he eased down onto the Pteranodon's back.

He held on tightly.

The creature moved forward. He spread out his wings and lifted off the ground!

They teetered this way. Then that.

Jack nearly fell off.

The Pteranodon steadies himself, then rose into the sky.

Jack looked down. The Tyrannosaurus was chomping the air and staring up at him.

这段里写牙齿闪耀,发现小说里经常写某人或某个动物的牙齿闪耀,自己本人也经常写某人露出了八颗白牙, showing or flashing one's eight teeth.

另外,这段里主要是注意ease, hold on tightly, spread out wings, lift off the ground, teetter这些动词的用法。



I eased my way towards the door.

所以,这里是指Jack 小心翼翼地爬到了它的背上。

另外,ease总让我想起两个军训用语:at east 稍息;stand to attention 立正。

teetter 表示“摇晃"之意,例如:


She teetered after him in her high-heeled shoes.

chomp 一词,表示”呼哧呼哧地吃”, 这里chomp the air, 可以想象这只动物当时看着飞在天空中的杰克,简直是目瞪口呆了。

The Pteranodon glided away.

He sailed over the hilltop.

He circled over the valley. Over all the nests filled with babies. Over all the giant duck-billed dinosaurs.

Then the Pteranodon soared out over the plain--over the Triceratops who were grazing in the high grass.

It was amazing! It was a miracle!

这段可以学习怎么描写动物飞行以及描写空中飞行的感受。飞过....飞过.... 记得用 over 一词。

这里"飞"用了四个词:sail; circle; soar; glide.

Jack felt like a bird. As light as a feather.

The wind was rushing through his hair. The air smelled sweet and fresh.

He whooped. He laughed.

Jack couldn't believe it. He was riding on the back of an ancient flying reptile.

The Pteranodon sailed over the stream, over the ferns and bushes.

Then he carried Jack down to the base of the oak tree.

When they came to a stop, Jack slid off the creature's back. And landed on the ground.

Then the Pteranodon took off again and glided into the sky.

"Bye, Henry, " whispered Jack.

"Are you okay?" Annie shouted from the tree house.

Jack pushed his glasses into place. He kept staring up at the Pteranodon.

whoop一词表示“高兴地大喊大叫”, if you whoop, you shout loudly in a very happy or excited way. 例如:

She whoops with delight at a promise of money.



"Jack, are you okay?" Annie called.

Jack looked up at Annie. He smiled.

"Thanks for saving my life," he said, "That was really fun."

"Climb up!" said Annie.

Jack tried to stand. His legs were wobbly.

He felt a bit dizzy.

"Hurry!" shouted Annie. "He's coming!"

Jack looked around. The Tyrannosaurus was heading straight toward him!

Jack bolted to the ladder. He grabbed the sides and started up.


另一个要注意的词是bolt,强调奔跑的速度,犹如闪电,所以想到‘跑’时,可以运用run, dash, rush, bolt。

"Hurry! Hurry!" screamed Annie.

Jack scrambled into the tree house.

"He's coming toward the tree!" Annie cried.

Suddenly something slammed against the oak tree. The tree house shook like a leaf.

Jack and Annie tumbled into the books.

"Make a wish!" cried Annie.

"We need the book! The one with the picture of Frog Creek!" said Jack.

"Where is it?"

He pushed some books aside. He had to find that book about Pennsylvania.

这段中值得注意的句子为:suddenly something slammed against the oak tree. The tree house shook like a leaf. 注意其中的比喻句。

There it was!

He grabbed it and tore through it, looking for the photograph of the Frog Creek woods.

He found it! Jack pointed to the picture.

The wind began to moan. Softly at first.

"Hurry!" Jack yelled.

The wind picked up. It was whistling now.

The tree house started to spin.

It spun faster and faster.

Jack closed his eyes. He held on tightly to Annie. Then everything was still.

Absolutely still.

这段注意对风的描写。一开始softly at first, 风比较小, the wind began to moan. 然后it was whistling,渐渐大起来了。

pick up这里是指‘起风了’, the wind picked up.


1 平稳滑动 v. coast

2 目瞪口呆地吃着空气 v. chomp the air

3 高兴地大喊大叫,然后大笑 v. whoop and laugh

4 走路摇晃 adj. wobbly


