

Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace. ---Confucius(551-479 BC)



Our guideline of education is to educate students to develop in morality, intelligence and physical education, thus to forge them to be enlightened and cultivated socialist builders.

---Mao Tse Tung(1893-1976)





约翰·K·肯尼迪说,“社会的进步没有教育的进步来得快速,人类的思想是最重要的资源。” 教育激活人类的思想,人类的思想积极地改变社会。这就是教育的力量。


Confucius once said, “An intelligent man will never be bewildered, a moral man will never be worried and a brave man will never be frightened.” An intelligent man knows himself well and judges the hour and size up the situation. He knows how to hide his spearhead and when to go forward and backwards. A moral man is of great virtue, broadminded and helps the needy generously. He is considerate and straightforward. A brave man dares to voice for unfairness and challenges the evil deeds audaciously. The quotation of Confucius has been regarding as a universal criterion to paraphrase education by the international elites. They derive the following annotation, “Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.”Secretary General Ban Ki-moon once said on the fourth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), “…mutual trust and confidence building are cornerstones of peace and security. The great Chinese philosopher Confucius would recognize this since he believed that Education breeds confidence, confidence breeds hope, hope breeds peace.”As the universal value of education, confidence, hope and peace are generated basically from it. Eventually, prosperity and sustainable development are ultimate aims of education.



Chairman Mao Tse-tung once said with great foresight, “I am quite doubtful about present education system. From primary school to college, the students cannot distinguish rice, sorghum, legumes, wheat, millet and cereals during the sixteen to seventeen years; During more than twenty years, they cannot experience factory work and farm work; they also cannot witness trades and deals. They are suffering physical tortures to the end. ” This education system survives to present day. Education power is to train students to obtain abilities in study, communication, experience, innovation and critical thinking.

John·K·Kennedy said, ”Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education, The human mind is our fundamental resource.“Education is to activate human mind, while human mind is to change society actively, which is called education power.

