

Amazon wildfires are predicted to worsen, doubling the amount of an important region of forest affected by 2050.


The result could be to convert the Amazon from a carbon sink into a net source of carbon dioxide emissions.


Paulo Brando at the University of California, Irvine and his colleagues developed a model to predict how climate change and deforestation in the southern Brazilian Amazon, a wildfire hotspot, are likely to influence wildfires and their associated greenhouse gas emissions.

加州大学欧文分校(University of California,Irvine)的保罗·白兰度(Paulo Brando)和他的同事开发了一个模型,以预测巴西亚马逊(Amazon)南部的气候变化和森林砍伐可能会如何影响野火及其相关的温室气体排放。亚马逊是一个野火热点。

The model predicts a doubling in the area burned by wildfires from approximately 3.4 million hectares across the 2000s to about 6.8 million hectares in the 2040s, in the worst case scenario of deforestation and rapid climate change.


By 2050, the total area burned is predicted to reach 23 million hectares – 16 per cent of the existing forests in that part of Brazil.


“We have to reduce deforestation to tackle the biggest problem,” says Brando.

