





1. 主格作主语

① He knows who I am(He和I作主语,I在任何位置都要大写,其他主格代词不需要)


① We know you love her(her作动词love的宾语)

② Who loves her?-It's me(me是表语)


① Our chinese people are friendly❌ (our应改成we,因为chinese不是我们的,而是chinese就是我们)

② 学生说:We students should work hard ✔ | 老师说:We students should work hard ❌(We要改成our)


① I am taller than she/her

② He is as tall as she/her


① Nobody but/except he/him knew it


① Who loves her?,you or me



① A bird in the tree,It chirps.

② The baby is crying. It might be hungry

③ Someone is crying.Who might it be?

2,用于“it is/was 表语”的结构,指明某人或某物的身份。

① Who is there ?--it's the postman

② Mr.Liu is at the door.He wants to see you(若身份确定,不宜用it)

③ Someone is at the door.It must be Mr.Liu(若身份不确定,可用it)


① This is your plan,isn't it

4,I like it when...句型(能这样用的动词不多,主要有enjoy,like,dislike,love,hate,prefer,appreciate等表喜好的动词)

① I won't like it if you arrive late

② I hates it when you use my car

5,Rumor/Legend has it that...谣传/传说...(it是形式宾语,代指其后面的that从句)

① Rumor has it that Diao is not a good girl

② Legend has it that Diao is a heroine

6,I can't help it/can help it/can't help doing=can't help but do(help此时有stop的意思)

① He can't help crying=he can't help but cry她不能控制地

② You can't help but respect him你不能控制地尊敬他(不得不尊敬他)

③ I can't help it if he doesn't come如果他不来,我也不能控制(没办法)

④ If I can help it,I won't cry如果我能控制的话,我也不会哭

7,make it的用法

① You will make it你会成功的/你会办成的/你会准时赶到的/你会好起来的(事业成功/做成某事/抵达某地/病情好转)

② let's make it at 8:30我们约在八点半吧(约定时间)



① it's nine o'clock九点了(时间)

② It's sunny today(天气)

③ It's about 15 minute's walk from home to school(距离)

④ He gave me a book yesterday.It was good(上文内容)


① It's very nice of them to help me out

② It is no good discussing the matter with him

③ It is a fact that the population is still increasing


It is a good thing that... / It is good news that.../It is obvious that.../It is necessary that... / It is important that... / It is strange that... / It’s surprising that... / It is likely/possible that... / It is well-known that... / It is said that...据说... /It is reported that... / It is recorded that... / It is suggested that.../ It is ordered that... / It should be noted that.../ It occurs to sb that...某人想到...


④ I find it hard to learn Maths

⑤ I feel it necessary to learn Maths

⑥ I made it a rule to keep a diary every day

⑦ I believe it no use reading without understanding


1,“it is/has been 时间段 since...”表示“从...以来,有...” since后常用一般过去时

① ·It is/has been years since we parted in Changde

2,”it was 时间段 before...”表示“过了多久才...”; “it will(not) be 时间段 before...”表示“要过多久才...”

① ·It was a long time before we began to use spaceship过了很久,人们才开始使用飞船

② ·How long do you think it will be before China sends a manned spaceship to the Diao?你认为要过多久中国才能向月球发射载人宇宙飞船?

③ ·It will not be long before you regret for what you are doing now不久,你就会对你现在的所作所为感到后悔的

3,“it happened that...”意为“碰巧...”

① It happens that I know him碰巧我认识他

② It happend that I was not in Changde at the time碰巧我那时不在常德

4,“it seems/appears that...”意为“好像...”

① It seems that he loves Changde他好像爱上了常德

5,“it turns out that...”意为“结果是...”

① It turns out that Languagee is the best结果兰桂姬语言文化是最好的


1. 多个人称代词,单数按“二三一”的顺序排列:you,he/she and I...或you,him/her and me...;复数按”一二三”顺序排列:we,you,and they...或us,you and them...

2. 如需承担责任,第一人称放在第一: I and Leo broke the window

3. 人称代词单独用,常用宾格非主格:I’d like to stay here--Me too




① Thank you for your help谢谢你的帮助(你的)

② She has her own car她有她自己的汽车/I want to have a car of my own我想要一辆属于我自己的汽车own表示强调“自己的”)

③ do one's homework/lose one's way/try one's best(固定短语用one's替代其他物主代词)


① My car is good.His is better.(作主语=his car)

② Bob’s car is broken,could i use yours(作宾语=your car)

③ He might be in his(作介词宾语=his...)

④ Are those cars yours?(作表语=your cars)

⑤ Jack is a friend of mine(后置定语=my friend)




① I did it myself(=I myself did it)我自己做的


① He taught himself how to make a car他自学如何造车(类似动词还有buy,cut,dress,dry,enjoy,help,hide,hurt,introduce,make,teach,wash等)


① Seeing a thing for oneself is better than hearing about it耳闻不如目见(亲自)

② She did it by herself(独自一人,独立地)

③ The Changde Rice noodles is the best in itself常德米粉本来就是最好的

④ He is beside himself too much他太得意忘形了(发狂,失常,得意忘形)

⑤ I can tell you that,but you must keep it to yourself我可以告诉你,不过你必须保守秘密(独占,独用)常见还有:of oneself自动地,be oneself身心自在,cannot help oneself情不自禁,say to oneself心里想 ,seat oneself坐下,come to oneself恢复知觉,talk/speak to oneself自言自语,enjoy oneself玩得愉快


① He saw himself in the mirror他在镜子里看见了他自己(himself和he为同一个人)

② He saw him in the mirror他在镜子里看见了他(him显然指另一个人)



① What does this word mean?(定语)

② Hi,Diao.This is Gou (主语)

③ I like these better than those(宾语)

④ What i like is this,not that(表语)


① This,these指时间或空间离说话者较近的人或物;that,those指时间和空间距离较远的人或物

② That,those常用来代替前面已提到的事物,以避免重复

③ 打电话介绍自己要用“this is...”,询问或确认对方是哪一位要说“who's that?/Is that...?”

④ 人称代词代词指示代词,当所指的事物已经确定时,后面的指示代词指人时必须用he,she或they,指物时须用it或they:This is my brother.He loves Changde Mifen / Are these books yours?--Yes,They are.

十一, 不定代词:不指明代替任何特定名词的代词,具有名词和形容词性质,有可数与不可数,单数和复数区别



① Is everyone here?大家都到齐了吗?(“大家”是整体)

2,否定是半否定,全否要用nobody/no one/nothing/none/nowhere或anybody/any one/anything/anywhere

① Not everyone sees him不是每一个人都看到他(半否:意思是还有有人看到了他)

② I didn't see everyone我没有见着每一位(半否:意思是还是看见了一些人)

③ I didn't see anyone=I saw nobody/I saw none of them我一个人也没见着(全否:我没看见任何人)

④ I can't find him everywhere ❌ (正确应把everywhere改成anywhere

everyone和every one的区别:

① Everyone/everybody likes it(是一个词,只用来指人,= everybody)

② Every one/Each one of the children likes it(是两个词,既可指人也可指物,= each one)

everyday和every day的区别:

① He recites everyday English every day他每天背日常英语(everyday是形容词;every day是状语)



① Anybody knows it任何人都知道

② You know anything你知道任何事情

③ I can't think of anything that i don't know我想不出任何一件我不知道的事

④ you'll never know anyone the way you know yourself你不会用了解自己的方式去了解任何


① Does anyone really knows it?有人知道吗?

② Do you known any valuables anywhere else?你知道哪里还有某些有价值的东西吗?

③ If there is anything i know,i would tell you如果有某些我知道的,我会告诉你


① Somebody broke it yesterday昨天有人把它打碎了

② Something is wrong with the machine机器出故障了



① She thinks she's something 她以为自己了不起

② She thinks she's somebody but she is nobody她以为自己是个人物,实际啥也不是


① The painting is really something这个画有点儿东西

3,“something of a/an 名词”表示“可以说是一个...”的意思,“有点像,但不完全是”

① He is a scholar and something of a philosopher他是个学者,也可以说是一个不错的哲学家

② He isn't much of a cook他不完全是一个厨师


① Everybody’s/Everyone’s business is nobody’s/no one’s business(事关大家无人管)


① There is nothing important here



① Anybody can go to the park,can't they?(侧重全部)

② Has anyone a book he can lend me?(侧重个体)

③ Everyone in our class has a book,don't they?(侧重全部)

④ Everybody was wearing their shorts(侧重全部)

⑤ I told everyone to run as fast as they can(侧重全部)


① Everything has gone wrong today,hasn't it?



① Both of us want to go(主语)

② I like both of them(宾语)

③ Both her children go to the park(定语)

④ We both want to go(同位语)

⑤ We both go to the park可在实义动词前

⑥ They have both lived here for years可在助动词,连系动词,情态动词后


① Not both my parents are for my plan我父母并不都支持我(半否:有一个支持)

② Neither of my parents is for my plan我父母都不支持我(全否:谓语用单数)


① Are your parents both teachers?---Yes,They both are


① Either of you could do it你们俩谁做都可以(主语)

② Did you see them?-No,I saw neither of them(宾语)

③ Neither answer is correct两个的答案都不正确(定语)

One: 指代可数名词单数,可人可物,作主语,宾语,表语等,复数是ones。


① One has to do one's best

② One should take care of oneself


① Miss Gou is a English teacher,one who is both strict and kind

② This is the one you are looking for


① I don't like this car,the one you just showed me

② I prefer red cars to white ones

注意:当one前有形容词修饰时,形容词前必须有冠词或代词the best one,a nice one,her last one

5,作同位语,相当于a/an 名词

① i want to buy a gift for my mother,one at a proper price(one=a gift)

6,The one和the ones的用法和区别:

① Which car?-the one you just showed me(代指前面提到的单数可数名词)

② Which cars are yours?-the ones hold in the park(代指前面提到的复数可数名词)


① I like the car,but it is broken(同名同物,it=上文的car,相当于the 名词)

② I don't like this car.Could you show me a another one?(同名异物,one=下文的car,相当于a/an 名词,只能代替可数名词)

③ The Weather in China is different from that in Italy(同名异物,只能指事物,that=中国天气,和意大利天气同名不同物)



① All are here(主语)

② I brought all of them(宾语)

③ He called up all his friends(定语)

④ She has read them all(同位语)

⑤ My family like all pop music/My family can all swim可在实义动词前,连系动词/助动词/情态动词后


① Not all of us agree to the plan(半否)

② None of us agree to the plan(全否)


① Do you agree to this plan?---Yes, we all do

Each和every的用法对比: each两个/两个以上的可数名词单数,只有两个时必须用,强调个体,可作主语/宾语/定语/同位语等,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式Every:三个或三个以上数量,修饰可数名词单数,强调整体,只能作定语(形容词)

① There are many trees on each side of the road(只有2个只能用each或either)

② Each student has a computer每个学生都有电脑(3个/3 数量each/every都可用,each强调个体)

③ Every student has a computer所有学生都有电脑(3个/3 数量each/every都可用,every强调整体)


① Each student has a computer(each=形容词,可用every代替)

② Each/Every one of them has a computer(each=代词,不能every代替,需用every one代替)

③ They each have eaten one apple(each=同位语,不能every代替)

④ They have eaten one apple each(each=副词,不能every代替)

None,no one,nobody的区别


① None like/likes me(主语,谓语可单可复)

② I bought a lot but he bought none(宾语)

③ I want some more milk but there is none left.(表语)

2,no one只指人不接of短语,回答who提问;none 指人/物可接of短语,回答how many/much提问:

① No one/Nobody likes it(只指人,谓语单数,不接of短语,不暗示范围)

② Did anyone come to see you?-No one/Nobody(只指人,谓语单数,不接of短语,不暗示范围)

③ None of the money has been found(人/物兼指,不可数用单数,可接of短语,暗示范围)

④ None of the trees has/have been found(人/物兼指,可数用复数,可接of短语,暗示范围)

⑤ Did any of your friends come to see you?-None你的朋友有谁来看过你吗?-一个也没来(暗示范围)

⑥ How many/How much...left?-None | Who did come to see you?-No one/Nobody



① I want some water(肯定)

② I don't have any pens in the box = I have no pens in the box (否定)

③ Do you have any pens?(疑问)


① Would you like some water?(说话人想要对方说yes)

② Any normal child will like it(any表任何一个)

3,some/any of结构作主语时,谓语动词根据of后面的名词/其单复数而定

① Some of the food has gone bad(food是不可数,谓语用单数)

② I don’t think any of them are bad(them是可数,谓语用复数)

4,any表示3个/3 数量时可作定语/宾语

① Any child can do that(定语)

② You may take any of them(宾语)

十二,相互代词:主要是each other和one another,用法见下表

Another,other(s),the other(s),the rest,else等各other的区别和用法对照表(兰桂姬语言文化)


Another,other(s),the other(s),the rest,else等各other的区别和用法对照表(兰桂姬语言文化)





① Who kicks Diao?(主语)

② Whom/Who Did Gou kick?(whom作动词kick的宾语,可用who代替)

③ With whom should I speak ?(介词宾语时,whom不可用who代替)


① They are all good at maths,but whose is the best?(主语:谁的数学是最好的?)

② Whose do you like better,Diao’s pen or Gou’s pen?(宾语:刁的笔和苟的笔,你更喜欢谁的(笔)呢?-这里谁的(笔)是like的宾语))

③ Whose is this pen?(表语:这笔谁的?还原=this pen is whose是谁的“是”是中心)

④ Whose pen is this?(定语:这是谁的?,还原=this is whose pen,谁的笔的“谁的”是中心)


① Which is better?(主语)

② Which of these pens do you like?(宾语:of which的名词短语作like的宾语)

③ Which pens are you going to use?(定语)


① What makes you so happy?(主语)

② What do you like?(宾语)

③ What is this?(表语)

④ What size do you like?(定语)

⑤ What's your name/this/the color/the time?/What day is it today?/What kind of pens do you like?(询问姓名,物品,颜色,时间等)

⑥ What is your sister?/ What do you do?(询问职业)

⑦ What is he like? 品行怎样/What’s the weather like? 天气怎样?/What does she looks like?外貌怎样?(询问品行,外貌,天气)

⑧ What about you? (what about征求意见或询问情况,等于How about)


⑨ What color do you like?

⑩ Which color do you like better, red or yellow?



① What he said made me very happy(主语从句)

② No one knows what will happen(宾语从句)

③ I have no idea who he is(同位语从句,who he is=idea)

④ I won’t believe whoever cheats me(宾语从句)

⑤ Whichever player arrives at ten will be the winner(主语从句)

⑥ Take whichever seat you like(宾语从句)

⑦ She is allowed to do whatever she likes(宾语从句)

