
401. degree n.度数(角); 度数(温度);程度; 学位 an angle of ninety degrees

Water freezes at zero degree. I agree with you to a certain degree.

He has a master’s degree from Harvard.

402. thus ad. 这样(=in this way); 因而(=so) He studied hard; thus he got high marks.

He hanged himself on the tree, thus ending his life.

403. official adj. 官方的,正式的 n. 高级官员

the official language 官方语言 an official affair 公务

404. rank 把什么分等级;等级,级别;军衔 top-ranked players 一流的选手

He was ranked second in his age group. 他在他的年龄段排名第二。

At the height of her career, she ranked second in the world. 在她事业的顶峰时期,她排名世界第二。

She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank. 她不习惯和社会地位很高的人搅合在一起。

officers of junior/ senior rank 有低级/高级军衔的军官 a painter of the first rank 一流的画家

405. height n. 1 at a height of 30,000 meters 2 It’s about 2 meters high/ in height.

406. mad adj. 发疯的;生气的; drive sb. mad/crazy; go mad/crazy;

be mad at/ with sb. about …因…和…生气

407. grasp vt. 抓牢,抓紧 He suddenly ~ my arm. 理解,领会 He ~ d what I said.

408. mention v ---Thank you. ---Don’t mention it. not to mention …更不用说

409. suggestion n.建议 make a suggestion My suggestion is that we should give up the try.

suggest v.1)建议 Mary suggested to me that we should go for a drive.

He suggested doing it in a different way.

2)暗示 His face suggested that he was unhappy.

410. dig (dug ,dug ,digging) v.挖;挖掘

dig a hole dig sth up 掘地,平整土地;挖掘出

411. permit (permitted, permitting) vt. 许可,允许 n. 许可证

permit sth/doing sth permit sb to do

1)。Cell phones are not ______in our school. 2)。We don’t permit _______(smoke) in the office.

3)。I’ll come tomorrow, if weather _______. I’ll come tomorrow, weather _________.

4)。She took my bike without ___________. 5)。 Do you have a parking ___________?(执照)

412. view n. 1)看法,观点 political views in one’s view 2) 视野,视线 come into view

3) 景色,风景 a sea view / a mountain view The view from the top of the tower was spectacular.

v. ~ sb /sth as… 把…视为,以…看待 viewer

413. handy 便利的,顺手的 It’s quite a handy little tool.

I always keep my gun handy just in case.

414. concern v

1) 让某人担忧 What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change.

2) 与…有关 be concerned with

3) 关心,挂念 be concerned about

4) 就…而言 as far as sb is concerned n. show a /no concern about

concerning prep. 关系到, 涉及

He asked me several questions concerning the future of the company.

415. compromise 妥协;折中,互让;和解

agree on a compromise make a compromise with by compromise

reach/ come to/ arrive at/ work out a compromise

416. certain adj. 确定的;无疑的 certainly adv.

be certain of= be sure of 对…确信的 be certain to do =be sure to do 一定会、必然

make sure/certain of… 保证、弄清楚 * It is certain that…

417. say vt. 说,写有(said-said) ~ sth to sb

The sign says “ No Smoking”。 牌子上写着

418. pack n.包,捆;(猎犬、野兽等的)一群

a pack of cigarettes/clothes a pack of thieves v. (为运输或储存而)打包

pack sth away 收拾起来放好 pack sth (up) 将…包/捆起来

pack sth/sb into sth 使…挤进… The room was packed with people.

They packed into a tiny car.

419. glory n. 荣誉,光荣,赞美 It s a great glory to die for our country.

glorious adj.

420. add vt 添加,增加,补充说(that)

add(…)to 添加 add up 把…加在一起 add up to总计为; 总数为

a) His illness added to our trouble. b) He added that he would come again.

c) Please add these figures up. d) These numbers add up to 100.

e) He added some salt to the water.

421. sheet n. 被单,床单;薄片/板,(一)片/块 put clean ~s on the beds/ a ~ of paper/water/ice

422. refer (referred-referred-referring) refer to 提及;参考,查阅;涉及

~ to a dictionary The man referred to is a famous writer.

423. possess vt possession 1)。He was charged with possessing a shotgun without a license.

2)。I’m afraid he doesn’t possess a sense of humor . 3)。A terrible fear possessed her.

4)。The gang was caught in _____of stolen goods.

5)。On his father’s death, she came into possession of a vast fortune.

take possession of Tom is in possession of the house.= The house is in the possession of Tom

personal possessions 个人财产

424. enter vt进入 ,参加 entrance 入口,入学 enter a room enter for …报名参加…

enter the competition the entrance to the hall

the college entrance exanimation 大学入学考试

425. own adj. 自己的 v. 拥有 owner n. ownership n.

a car of my own/my own car 我自己的车

He did it on his own 独立地,单独地 I don’t own anything of any value.

426. lecture n. attend a lecture give / deliver a lecture to sb. on…

427. combine 使联合,使结合 combine A with/ and B

428. disagree vi. 意见不一致,持不同意见

disagree with what sb. said disagree on/about sth 就某事达成一致意见

sth disagree with sb 食物天气等使某人身体不适

429. shock vt&n(使)震惊,打击,震动,电击

I was ~ed by/at the news ./ The news was a ~ to me.

He got ~ed when he touched the wire. / If you touch the wire, you’ll get a ~.

He couldn’t recover from the ~ of his son’s death.

430. almost adv几乎,差不多

Almost no one/nobody came to the party. There was almost no snow that winter.

431. rule n. 规则,规章;习惯 v. 统治,支配 follow/obey /break the ~s

He makes it a ~ never to borrow money.

432. neither pron. 两者都不

They produced two reports, neither of which contained any useful suggestions.

neither…nor… 既不…也不… either…or… 或…或…

433. social adj. 1) 社会的 ,有关社会的 social reforms 社会改革

2) 社交的,交际的 3)群居的 Man is a social animal.

society n. 社会 in society

434. fault n 缺点,毛病 Why should I say sorry when it’s not my fault?

find fault with sb

435. share vt. 分配;分享;分担;n. (一)份儿;份额;股份

~ apples among the children / ~ joys and sorrows with sb I will take my ~ of the money.

436. amount n. 数额(尤指数量,大小等) a large amount of u/n

large amounts of u/n v. (数量,意义等) 等同,相当于 amount to

1) (数量上)达到,总计

Time lost through illness amounts to 1,357 working days.因疾病而损失的时间总共为


Ultimately, their ideas amount to the same thing. 归根结底,他们想的都是一回事。

437. dismiss v. 1) 拒绝考虑 dismiss sth as

He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic.


2)解雇 dismiss sb for sth dismiss sb. from the post

3) 打发走,解散 The teacher will dismiss the class early today because of the snow .

438. article n. 文章;东西;物品;冠词 an article of clothing 一件衣服

439. function n. 功能,作用,职责 the ~ of a chairman. 聚会,集会 official ~s

v. 起作用,正常工作 The machine functions well.

440. wait n. 等待 v. 等待, wait for sb/sth 等待 wait for sb to do 等某人干某事

wait on sb 照料,伺候 wait at/on table招待进餐

wait for one’s chance/ turn等机会 can’t wait to do迫不及待地想干

441. single adj. 单一的,单个的,单程的;单身的,独身的;单人的

Not a ~ tree could be seen. a ~ ticket a ~ man

This room has two ~ beds. n. 单打比赛 men’s/women’s ~s

442. bath n.洗澡;浴室;澡盆; have/take a bath

bathe v. 洗澡,游泳 be bathed in …沉浸在,沐浴着(光线) bathroom n.浴室

443. last 1) adj. the last person/ thing 最不可能的、最想不到的

He’s the last person I’d trust. The last thing I want to do is homework.

2) adv. last but not least 最后但是同样重要的是

3)n. He was the last to arrive. 4) vi.持续 The war lasted (for) 3 years.

444. act n.法令,条例 vt.表演,扮演,行动,做事

act as 充当;扮演 act out 把…表演出来

445. world n. 世界 It’s a small world.世界真小。(哪里都有熟人)

It’s not the end of the world. 并不是那么糟糕。 I am on top of the world. 我非常愉快。

learn about the outside world. 了解外面的世界

446. rid 摆脱 rid somebody/something of somebody/something

Further measures will be taken to rid our streets of crime.

rid oneself of somebody/something

He wanted to rid himself of the burden of the secret

get rid of somebody/something We got rid of all the old furniture.

447. exchange 交换,调换,交流 n.1)fair exchange 公平的交换

2) in exchange 作为交换 He gave me a book and I gave him a pen in exchange

3) in exchange for sth 和…交换 I took his watch in exchange in exchange for camera

v. exchange A for B =exchange B with A exchange greetings

448. best do/ try one’s best to do 尽全力做 make the best of…尽量利用

all the best (书信结语)一切顺利、万事如意

449. plan (planned, planning) vt. /n 计划 1) plan to do sth 2) plan for the future 3) make a plan for

450. cheerful adj 兴高采烈的,高兴地 a cheerful smile

451. word n. 词,话,消息,诺言 have a word with=have a few words with 和某人谈谈

Word came that Tom won the first prize. 有消息传来…

You should keep your word. 你应该信守诺言。

452. tour n. 观光,旅行 go on a tour to a place

453. heart n. 1 learn sth. by heart 记住 2 lose heart 灰心,泄气

3 lose one’s heart to sb.倾心于某人 4 heart and soul 全心全意

5 from the bottom of one’s heart 由衷的

454. struggle v. 奋斗 努力 They struggled just to pay their bills. He struggled for breath.

struggle for / against / with;

455. convey 传送,传达,表达 convey sth to sb convey sb/sth from …to…

456. hurry 1) v. hurry sb. /sth. up 催促某人 hurry up 快点,赶快

2)n. in a hurry 赶快

457. contrary adj. 相反的 Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk.

n. 相反,反而on the contrary 相反,反之

458. convince 使确信,使信服 convince sb/ yourself of sth

convince sb to do I have been trying to convince him to see a doctor.

convinced adj. be convinced of/ that: I am convinced that she is innocent.

I am convinced of her innocence.

459. cheque= check(美) 支票 in cash 付现金 by check/cheque 用支票支付

460. bring bring up bring down bring about bring in

461. seat n. 座位 take a ~ = sit down vt. 使…就座 能坐…人

seat oneself in the chair= be seated in the chair

We want to rent a bus which can seat 40 people.

462. stress n.压力;强调 Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress.

She lays great stress on punctuality

463. shame n. 羞愧(感),羞耻(心)【u】;[a ~] 一种耻辱,遗憾的事,可耻的人/事物

He is a ~ to his school/family. What a ~ it is to lie.

464. report v.汇报;报告;报道 n.报告,报告单

What you ~ed differs from the facts. It is ~ed that a young girl was robbed yesterday.

A girl is reported to have been robbed yesterday.

465. achievement n. 成就,业绩;完成(任务等) make great achievements

466. score v. 得分,打分 n. 得分,分数;20个

two score of books He won the game with a score of 2:1.

scores of books ~ a point

467. wide adj. 宽的,广泛的 adv. 充分地; widely adv. 广泛地

The child is wide awake. 这个小孩非常清醒,没有睡意

English is widely used all over the world.

468. separate v. 分开,隔开 adj. 分开的,不相连的;单独的,独立的

Separate the good ones from the bad. The children sleep in ~ beds.

469. voice n. 声音,音色 in a high/low… voice 以高或低的声音

at the top of one’s voice 高声地

470. birth n.出生、诞生 at birth 出生时 give birth to 生下、孕育了

471. consequence n. 结果,后果;重要性,重大

as a consequence /result in consequence 结果

as a consequence /result of in consequence of 由于

472. practise v. (美practice) 练习;实践;从事

practise doing sth practise medicine/law 行医/当律师

473. laugh v. 1laugh at… 2 laugh your head off 大笑不止

3 burst out laughing/ burst into laughter

474. habit n 习惯 form/develop the(a) habit of be in the(a )habit of

fall/get into the(a) habit of

475. get v成为,得到,到达 Mother often gets me to wash the dishes.

The machine broke down. Can you get it working?

I am going to get my bike repaired. You got it.

Hard work can get you somewhere.

get sth across to sb get along with get down to doing get rid of

get round get away with get away from get on

476. lack 1) v. lack (for) sth lack courage/money

2) n. 1a lack of money 2for lack of …因为缺乏… 3) be lacking in 缺乏…

477. load 1) n. bear the load of bringing up her family alone

2) vt. 装载 load… with…: a car loaded with goods

478. regard vt认为;把…看作 n尊重;问候(常用复数)

~ sb/sth as n/adj. 认为某人、某物是……

Please give my best ~s to your family. 代我向你家人问好

479. flood n 洪水,一大阵 v 淹没 The river is in flood.河水泛滥。

What a flood of rain.好大一阵雨。 Letters flooded the office.信件大量涌入办事处。

Warmth flooded my heart.我心里热乎乎的。

480. sure adj. 确定 确信 肯定 adv. 当然 be sure of / about / that

Are you sure about that? Ask me if you are not sure how to do it.

be sure to do : Be sure to come.

for sure: I think he will be back on time , but I can’t say for sure.

make sure (of / that…) Make sure that no one knows it.

481. address n.地址 vt.写地址;向…讲话(尤指演讲)

address the letter to sb. 给某人寄信 The letter was wrongly addressed.

The president addressed the public.

482. witness n. 目击者, 证明, 证词 vt. 目击,作证, 证明, 表明

I thought, at a time, that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my own eyes many times.

The year 1949 witnessed the founding of the P.R.C.

483. tear v. 撕毁 撕破;移开 扯掉 tore torn

I tore the letter in half/ into halves. tear up / sth into pieces / down/ open

n. 眼泪 burst into tears He left the room in tears. The story will move you to tears.

484. work n. 工作(不可数);作品(可数);v. 工作,运转,起作用

works n. 工厂(单复数均有s) work at / on …忙于,从事 be at work在工作

start work开始工作 out of work失业 work out算出,锻炼,结果是

485. condemn vt. 谴责;判刑;宣告……有罪(与to连用) 迫使…接受(困境),使…注定

condemn sb/ sth for… condemn sb. to be condemned/ sentenced to…

486. across prep cross v. I walked across the street.; cross a street; come/run across碰到

487. beat v (beat ,beaten) 连续有节奏的敲击 My heart is beating faster than usual.

Waves are beating the shore. 击败: He beat me in the game. ※ beat & hit &strike & knock

488. speed v. sped sped / speeded speeded; speed up

The car sped along the road. The drug will sped her recovery.

n.(运动的)速度 at a speed of…; with great /all speed; at top / full speed

He reduced the speed and turned sharp left.

489. bury v. 埋葬bury—buried—buried—burying

bury one’s face in the hands 手捂着脸 bury oneself in… = be buried in…

490. point n, 点;分数;要点;特征;意义 1) the boiling /freezing point

2) He reached a point in his career _____ she needed to decide what to do.

3) That’s the point _____ I want to make. 4) one’s stront points and weak points

5) There is no point (in) doing sth. 这样做毫无意义。 v. 指,指向 point to /at /out

※ off the point 离题 to the point 切题

491. surprise v. 使…惊奇 It surprised me that you have never sung professionally.

n. 惊奇 ;意想不到的事 Her letter came as a complete surprise.

She looked up in surprise. (much ) to one’s surprise surprised / surprising adj.

492. confident adj. be confident about/of sth

confidence n. 1) gain/lose confidence 2) have confidence in sb/sth

3) be in sb’s confidence 受某人信任,是某人的心腹

4) take sb into your confidence 向某人吐露内心秘密

493. behave v. 表现 He behaved as if nothing had happened.

behave badly/well/like a true gentleman

behave oneself 表现得体,有礼貌 well / badly behaved children

494. head 1) n. 1 use your head 动动脑筋 2 hold one’s head high趾高气扬

3 from head to foot/ toe从头到脚 4 hit sb. on the head 击中某人的头

2) v. head for sp.朝某处走去

495. throughout prep. 遍及,贯穿 throughout the night整夜 throughout the town全城

496. gather vt vi 聚集,采集 gathering n.

gather breath/gather courage/gather strength She gathered a crowed around her.

A crowed of people gathered around her. The train was gathering speed.

497. recommend 推荐;劝告,建议 recommend somebody/something

Can you recommend a good hotel? recommend (that)… I recommend (that) he see a lawyer.

recommend somebody to do something We'd recommend you to book your flight early

. recommend (somebody) doing something

He recommended reading the book before seeing the movie. it is recommended that…

It is strongly recommended that the machines should be checked every year

498. the day after tomorrow后天

499. hit (hit , hit) 1) v. 1撞 击打 hit sb. on the head

2袭击 An earthquake hit there.

3 突然想起 An idea hit/ strike/occur to me. It suddenly hit me that……

2) n.受欢迎的/引起轰动的人或物 He is a real hit. // a hit song

500. direction n. 方向,指导 in the direction of…朝…方向 in all directions 朝四面八方

under sb’s direction 在……指导下




