Hello, students. Welcome back to English with Lucy. It's really nice to be back.,我来为大家科普一下关于make作使役动词的搭配?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



Hello, students. Welcome back to English with Lucy. It's really nice to be back.

你好,学生们。欢迎回到跟着 Lucy 学英语。回来真是太好了。

I had a little rest. I really needed a rest.


And I had it. And it was brilliant.


We went on our honeymoon, which is the first holiday that you have as a married couple. It was great, but I will tell you more about that on the personal channel Lucy Bella.

我们去度蜜月了,这是已婚夫妇度过的第一个假期。蜜月很棒,但我会在个人频道 Lucy Bella 告诉你更多信息。

I'll link it down below. Today we've got far more important things to talk about than my holidays.


We are going to be talking about causative verbs, in particular, have, make, get, help and let. We use these five verbs with causative structures meaning that we use them to say that someone or something causes something to happen.

我们将讨论一些释义动词,特别是 have,make,get,help 和 let。我们使用这五个带有使役结构的动词,这意味着我们使用它们来表示某人或某事导致某事发生。

They are essential and they are often a sticking point with students, a point of frustration. Well, I've got you.


Don't worry. I've got you in this lesson.


If I say I've got you, or really slang, I got you, it means I'll support you. Don't worry, I've got this for you.

如果我说“I've got you”,或者更俚语化一点,“I got you”,这意味着我会支持你。别担心,我给你们准备了这个。

You don't have to worry about it. I'm going to help you.


And to make things even more exciting, there is also a free pdf that goes with this lesson with a quiz. So you can practice what you learned today.

更令人兴奋的是,本节课还附赠一个免费的配套 pdf,上面有测验。因此你可以练习今天学到的内容。

If you'd like that free pdf, all you've got to do is click on the link in the description box, enter your name and your email address, you sign up to my mailing list. The pdf will arrive in your inbox straight away.

如果你想要免费的 pdf,你所要做的就是点击描述框中的链接,输入你的姓名和电子邮件地址,注册到我的邮件列表。pdf 将直接发送到你的收件箱。

And then every week after that, you'll automatically receive all of my lesson pdfs along with all of my news course updates and offers. Another bit of housekeeping.

之后每周你将自动收到我所有的课程 pdf 以及我所有的新闻,课程,更新和优惠。还有一点东西要解决。

Housekeeping used in this context means something that we have to clear out of the way before we get started with the real information. So to use that again, one final bit of housekeeping, I'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video, Lingoda.

这个语境中 housekeeping 指的是我们要在开始讲真正的信息前必须清除的东西。再说一次,最后一点,我要感谢今天视频的赞助商,Lingoda。

You can attend Lingoda your new language school from the comfort of your own home 24/7 at your own pace. Cut the travel time, not the quality.

你可以在家中舒适地以自己的步调随时参加 Lingoda,你的新语言学校,的课程。减少旅行时间而不是质量。

Lingoda has an interactive curriculum, average class sizes of just three to four students and amazing qualified teachers. Trust me, I've tried them out myself.

Lingoda 有互动课程,平均班级人数只有三到四名学生,以及优秀的合格教师。相信我,我自己尝试过。

I love them. You can learn English, business English, along with Spanish, French and German.


And group class prices start from just six euros. You can explore various different study options.

团体课程的价格仅 6 欧元起。你可以探索各种不同的学习选择。

They've got lots of different plans you can sign up for. You can experience a seven day free trial, that's one week's access with three entirely free classes.

他们有许多不同的计划供你报名。你可以体验为期一周的 7 天免费试用,即三节完全免费的课程。

Just click on the link in the description box to sign up for your seven day free trial. And you can get forty percent off your first marathon course or month.

只需单击说明框中的链接即可注册获得的7 天免费试用资格。并且你可以在第一次购买马拉松课程或月卡时获得 40% 的折扣。

It's as easy as that. Just click on the link in the description box to sign up for your free trial and claim your discount.


Right, let's get started with the causative verbs. As I said before, we're looking at five verbs that we use with causative structures.


And we use them to say that someone or something causes something to happen. Let's have some examples.


I had my hair cut. I had my hair cut when I go to the hairdresser's.


I have my hair cut. In some languages, it would be normal to say I cut my hair.

我剪了头发。在某些语言中,说“I cut my hair”是正常的。

And you can say this in English. But to be extra clear that you didn't cut it yourself, I had my hair cut.

你可以用英语这么说。但要额外强调不是自己剪的,那么就要说“I had my hair cut”。

Another example, my parents made me clean my room. My parents made me clean my room.


Let's go into a little bit more detail because each verb is different. But one thing to note is that you can use the causative verbs in all of the past, present, and future tenses.


Let's take a deeper look at have. Now there are two ways that we can use have as a causative verb.

我们来深入了解一下 have。我们使用 have 作为使役动词有两种方式。

The first way is to say that someone does something for us. We generally use this construction when somebody performs a service for us or on us.


The structure is subject, have, object, past participle. So following that structure, we have Claire loves having her photo taken.


Subject, have in its correct form, object, past participle. Claire loves having her photo taken.

主语,have 的正确形式,宾语,过去分词。克莱尔喜欢让别人给她拍照。

Claire isn't taking the photos herself. Someone else is performing that service for Claire.


Another, Kurt never has his car cleaned. Kurt never has his car cleaned.


Don't judge Kurt, students. Maybe he cleans it himself.


It's a very sensible thing to do. Two more examples.


I had my makeup done. And the last one, Ben is having his house painted.


Ben is having his house painted. So in all of these sentences, the subject doesn't perform the action.


Someone else does it. You'll notice that we're not saying who performs the action.


And this is normally because it's obvious the hairdresser, the house painter. In fact, we wouldn't say a house painter.


We'd say decorator. Painter and decorator.


We might also not say who's performed the action because it simply isn't important. This is the same as when we use the passive voice.


Let me know if you'd like a video on the passive voice, because I've seen a couple of requests for it. I think it would be a really good video to do.


It might help quite a few of you. Comment down below.


If I see enough requests, I will consider it. Now I like these sentences, these causative sentences because to change the tense of a sentence, you only have to change the tense of the causative verb.


Now interestingly, we can replace have with get in informal situations. This is very very common.

有趣的是,我们可以在非正式情况下用 get 替换 have。这是非常非常常见的。

I use this all the time. Instead of Tara had her car repaired, it's just fine to say Tara got her car repaired.

我一直这样做。不说“Tara had her car repaired”(塔拉把她的车修了),可以说 “Tara got her car repaired”。

Instead of Ben has his house cleaned, Ben gets his house cleaned. Do you get your house cleaned?

不说“Ben has his house cleaned”(本把他的房间打扫了),说“Ben gets his house cleaned”。你打扫房子了吗?

I always get my house cleaned. Let's look at the second way in which we can use have as a causative verb.

我总是打扫我的房子。我们来看看把 have 作为使役动词的第二种方式。

This is very similar, but in this case, we do say who performs the action. It doesn't have to be describing a paid service, but it very often is.


The structure is slightly different. Let's take a look.


It's subject, have, person, infinitive. An example, I'll have Jane call you.


I'll have Jane call you. This is something a boss might say about their secretary, who, in this case, is Jane.


It makes the person sound quite important. Or a mother might use it about their children.


I had my children clean their rooms. I had my children clean their rooms.


I will say it does sound rather formal, but if you're wanting to give off quite an important vibe, a vibe of importance, then it could be a really good one to use. Remember to use the infinitive after the person.


You don't need to conjugate the verb. Again you only need to conjugate the causative verb.


Let's take a look at some more examples. Mary had her assistant call the catering company.


Or I'll have my husband email you the details. I'll have my husband email you the details.


I'm not sure how my husband would feel about me having him do something. I think I'd just ask him nicely.


I hope that's clear. Remember that there are lots more exercises and examples in the pdf.

我希望我说清楚了。记住,pdf 中有更多的练习和示例。

Let's move on to get now. Now when you get someone to do something, it means you persuade them to do something.

我们现在开始说 get。当你让某人做某事时,这意味着你说服他们做某事。

The structure is subject, get, person, to infinitive. An example, I got my son to cook dinner because I was tired.

结构是主语,get,人,不定式 to do。举个例子,我让我儿子做晚饭,因为我累了。

I persuaded him to do it. Or Helen got the mechanic to check the whole engine.


Maybe the mechanic appeared reluctant to check the whole engine at first, but she got him to do it. She persuaded him to do it.


Good old Helen. When you say good old someone, it's a term of affection.


Oh, good old Lucy. I know I'm not necessarily old in most people's eyes, but my mum always says, oh, good old Lucy always stacking the dishwasher.


I can't think of another example. I do often stack the dishwasher for my mum.


Such a good daughter. I like get in this form, to get someone to do something.

真是个好女儿。我喜欢这个形式的 get,让某人做某事。

It's easy to learn and it's easy to use. I think it's a really good one.


A couple more examples. I got Julianne to come to the doctors with me.


Maybe she didn't want to before. She was reluctant.


Or my dad got all of his friends to come with him to my performance. Good old dad.


See, that's used in context. Let's move on to make.

看,在语境中使用就是这样。我们继续说 make。

This causative verb is used to say that we forced someone or something to do something. We forced them to do something that they didn't want to do.


The structure is subject, make, object, infinitive. An example, she made me watch a horror film.


I didn't want to watch it, but she forced me to do it. Or I make my children do their homework before dinner.


They'd probably prefer to do it after dinner, or never. But I forced them to do it before dinner.


So we have get, which is persuading someone and make, which is forcing someone. It doesn't always have to be really negative.

所以我们有 get,意思是说服某人,还有 make,意思是强迫某人。它并不总是负面意思。

For example, I make people take their shoes off before they come in my house. This is understandable.


I'm not necessarily forcing them, but I am obliging them to do it. Or the teacher made me change the title of my essay.


They obligated me to do it. We're flying through these.


Let's move on to let. When we use let as a causative verb, it means that we allow someone to do something.

我们继续说 let。当我们使用 let 作为使役动词时,这意味着我们允许某人做某事。

We give them permission. The structure is subject, let, object, infinitive.


Are you noticing a trend here? There is quite a strong trend.


An example, my parents let their grandchildren stay up as long as they want. They allow them.


They give them permission to. Or I let the grass grow very long and now it's difficult to cut.


Another example, please don't let the cat into my bedroom. This has been my life recently.


We've moved house as you might be able to tell by the new background. And because so many of you complained that it was dark and dreary, I'm not sure if you used the word dreary, but dreary is bleak, gray, depressing.


Great word, dreary. Because so many of you complained, I got some lights and I went crazy with them.


Look how many lights. There are lights going out in all directions.


Um, I bet I'm now going to get complaints about the lights as well. I don't care.


I just like the interaction. Let me know what you want next.


As I was saying, we've moved house and the cat just got so angry about the change that he did a, I'm sure you can imagine, on our bed as a protest. We were not happy.


And he was trying to tell us he wasn't happy. Oh, dear, you'll be pleased to know that Alfonso is now once again a happy cat, but those first two weeks where he wasn't allowed outside were smelly.


Right, let's move on to the final one. This is help.

好的,我们讲最后一个。那就是 help。

I'm sure many of you will know this word by now. To help means to assist someone.


The structure when we use help as a causative verb is as follows: subject, help, object, infinitive or to infinitive. We can create sentences with or without to and the meaning doesn't change.

当我们使用 help 作为使役动词时的结构如下:主语,help,宾语,不定式或不定式 to do。我们可以用 to 或不用to 造句,意思不会改变。

I know that that's a common doubt that gets brought up in a lot of classes. So I'll show you some examples of that so you can see it for yourself.


My mum will help me decorate my flat. Or my mum will help me to decorate my flat.


Same meaning. It doesn't matter whether you include it or not.

意思一样。你是否加上 to 不重要。

I helped my friend move house. I helped my friend to move house.


Now I would say it's more common to leave out the to simply because it's more efficient, fewer syllables. We like to go for things that are easy to say.

我要说的是,省略掉 to 更常见,因为这样更有效率,音节更少。我们喜欢那些容易说的。

Music helps me fall asleep. Music helps me to fall asleep.


We don't need that extra syllable. Now you can use the extra syllable, if you like syllables.


That brings us to the end of this lesson. And now I'd like to invite you to test your understanding by downloading the pdf.

本节课到此结束。我想邀请你通过下载 pdf 来测试你的理解。

There's a quiz at the bottom. The answers are there, too.


So you can check your work. Definitely share your score in the comments section, though.


I'd like to see how you've understood today's lesson. Just as a reminder, if you want that pdf, you sign up to my mailing list.

我想看看你对今天的课程理解得如何。提醒一下,如果你想要那个 pdf,请注册我的邮件列表。

The link's in the description box. You'll receive this week's pdf and then each week you will receive future pdfs.

链接在描述栏中的。你会收到本周的 pdf,然后每周你将收到以后的 pdf。

It's a free service. You'll also receive all of my news, offers, and course information.


Another reminder, if you'd like to try Lingoda for free for seven days, that's three free classes, and get 40 off your first marathon course or your first month, then just click on the link in the description box. Don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media.

如果你想免费试用 lLingoda 7 天,即三节免费课程,并在购买第一个马拉松课程或第一个月时获得 40% 的折扣,那么只需单击描述栏中的链接。不要忘记在我所有的社交媒体上与我联系。

I've got my Facebook, my Instagram and my personal channel, Lucy Bella where I show vlogs of our life here in the English countryside. Newlywed life, how exciting.

我有脸书、INS,还有我的个人频道 Lucy Bella,在那里我展示我在英国乡村生活的视频博客。新婚生活,多精彩。

That's all for now. I will see you soon for another lesson.

