
There are many concepts that are needed to be understood in the English language. This week I want to talk about one concept that is very deeply imbedded in the way we speak English.


A contractionis a word made by shortening and combiningtwo words. Words like can't (can not), don't (do not), and I've (I have) are all contractions.

那就是缩写词,缩写词是指可以通过缩短和合并两个词组成另外一个词。比如can’t就是can 和not的缩写词,同样don’t 是do not, I’ve 是I have。


People use contractions in both speaking and writing. They're so common that movies and books often try to make characters seem old-fashioned or strange by having them never use contractions. This is a little silly because English speakers have been using contractions for centuries—although not always the same ones we use today.

For instance, the contraction couldn't mean could not. As you can see, the o in not isn't in the word couldn't. The apostrophe goes in its place, right between the n and t.

例如,缩写词 couldn’t可以拆分为could not。正如你所看到的,“o”在“不能”这个词中不见了。撇号在n和t之间替代了它的位置。

In some parts of the United States, you can address a group of people by using a special contraction for you all. It's written below—without the apostrophe. Click the spot where the apostrophe should be.

在美国的某些地方,你可以用特殊的缩写词 you all 来称呼一群人。上面是没有加撇号的哦,下面缩写的时候可以在适当的位置打上撇号。

Example Sentences:

1) When are ya’ll coming to the party?

2)You’ll get an A if you work harder.

3) I couldn’t make dinner tonight because I was so busy.

Those are some examples of contractions and I hope that was helpful and will be useful. That’s all for this week. Talk to ya’ll next time!






