Hello! I'm Emma from mmmEnglish and in this lesson we're focusing on adjectives. But not just any adjectives!,我来为大家科普一下关于emma最喜欢哪个话题英语?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



Hello! I'm Emma from mmmEnglish and in this lesson we're focusing on adjectives. But not just any adjectives!


Pairs of adjectives that can end in either -ed or -ing, because you might be a little confused about when you can use each type of adjective! "Am I embarrassed?"

是成对的既能以 -ed 结尾也能以-ing 结尾的形容词,因为你们可能对何时使用其中的一种形容词感到困惑!"Am I embarrassed?"

Or "Am I embarrassing?" "Is he bored? "

还是 "Am I embarrassing?""Is he bored?"

Or "Is he boring"? Lots of these english adjectives are made by adding -ed or -ing to a verb.

还是 "Is he boring"?很多英语形容词都是一个动词加-ed 或是 -ing 构成的。

For example, the verb 'frustrate' can become an adjective by adding -ed - 'frustrated' or -ing - 'frustrating'. These endings are called suffixes and when we add them to the end of a verb they transform our verb into an adjective.

例如,动词 'frustrate' 在加-ed 或 -ing 后可变成 'frustrated' 或 'frustrating'。这些结尾被称为后缀,当我们把它们加到动词结尾时,它们会把动词变成一个形容词。

But you need to know how to use each of these types of adjectives and we're going to do that right now, right here in this lesson! An adjective that ends in ING is used to describe the characteristics of something the characteristics of a person or a place or a thing or a situation.

但是你要知道如何使用这类形容词中的每一个,我们现在,在这里,在本节课就要学习这个。一个以 ING 结尾的形容词用于描述某件事物的特征,一个人,一个地方或者一样东西,一种情况的特征。

It's amazing. It's interesting.


It's tiring. Adjectives that end in ED are used to describe an emotion or a feeling and it's usually a temporary thing something that only people can have generally, only people have feelings, most of the time.

好累。以 ED 结尾的形容词被用于描述一种情绪或感觉,它通常是一种暂时性的感觉,某种一般只有人能有的,大多数时候,只有人有感情。

But some animals can also have feelings. But you can't use ED adjectives to describe the feelings of a thing or of the situation because they don't have feelings!

但有些动物也可以有感情。但是你不能用 ED 形容词来描述一种事物或一种情况的感觉,因为它们没有感觉。

If you say that something or someone is boring, they or it makes you feel bored. So, the thing or the person that is boring is what makes you feel bored.


It bores you. OK, there's our verb!


If you say that something is exciting, it makes you feel excited. It excites you.


Did you notice any patterns in those examples? If you're talking about a temporary feeling or an emotion then use the ED form of the adjective.

你有注意到这些例子中的任何模式吗?如果你在谈论一个暂时的感觉或情绪,那么用 ED 形式的形容词。

She's bored. Ther're frighteded.


I feel annoyed. He's so excited about his trip to Thailand.


She felt so annoyed that her friend let her down. If you're describing the thing or the person that caused those feelings, then use the ING form of the verb.

她的朋友让她失望了,她很生气。如果你在描述一件事或一个人引起了一些情绪,那么就用 ING 形式的形容词。

For example, that movie was strange! It was really confusing.


It made me feel confused. Let's look at the difference again.


He's bored. So, he's not interested in what's happening, he's not having a good time.


If he's at a party perhaps he doesn't like the music or he doesn't really know anyone and he's got no one to talk to. He's bored.


He feels bored. But if you say he's boring it means he's not an interesting person, that you don't enjoy talking to him.

他感觉无聊。但如果你说 he's boring,意思就是他不是一个有意思的人,你不乐于和他谈话。

He's never got anything interesting to say. He's boring.


He makes me feel bored. Alright, it's time to practice a little now.


I'm going to read out a few sentences for you and I want you to try to choose if the adjective in each sentence is the Correct adjective or not. Ready?


I am very exciting to see my sister. I am very exciting to see my sister.

我很激动马上要见到我姐姐了。I am very exciting to see my sister.

What do you think? It's a "no"!


Incorrect answer! I am very excited to see my sister.


It's how I feel. I'm excited.


I feel excited to see my sister. I don't understand these instructions - they're so annoying!

I feel excited to see my sister.我不懂这些指示,它们太烦人了!

I don't understand these instructions - they're so annoying! Correct!


The instructions are annoying. They're making me feel annoyed.


I'm so boring. I have got nothing to do.


. . . . . . I am bored because I have got nothing to do.


I feel bored. I felt so embarrassing when I spilt tomato sauce down my dress on a date!


I felt so embarrassed! I felt embarrassed when I spilt tomato sauce down my dress on a date!


I hate being the centre of attention! It was so embarrassing when they called my name and I had to go up on stage!


It was embarrassing. The experience was embarrassing.


I felt embarrassed. Ugh! This coffee is disgusting! I can't drink it!


OK, I've made a worksheet for you so you can keep practicing these adjectives after this lesson finishes you can download it for free right here! I want you to practice using these adjectives when you're speaking when you're writing and when you're listening to other people.


Listen to how they used. I'm also going to send you the answers to the worksheet so that you know what you got right what you need to improve.


I hope that you enjoyed this lesson and if you are a subscriber to the mmmEnglish Channel, it's awesome to see you again! If you are not a subscriber yet then just click that red button right there and join me for the next lesson.

我希望你们喜欢本节课,如果你们是 mmmEnglish 频道的订阅者的话,很高兴再次见到你们!如果你们还没有订阅的话,那么点击这里的红色的按钮,加入我们,收看接下来的课程。

You can also find me on Facebook. You can check out some of my other videos right here, especially this one, my imitation lessons, which are a really fun and easy way to practice your English speaking skills.

你也可以在 Facebook 上发现我。你可以在这里查找我的其他课程,尤其是这个,我的跟读课程,它是一门很有趣的课程,用一种简单的方式来磨练你的英语口语技巧。

That's all from me today! I'm glad you joined me and I'll see you next time.


Bye for now!

