在甘肃省陇南市召开的全国产业扶贫工作推进会介绍,目前,全国90%以上的贫困村都有了农民专业合作社,在脱贫攻坚战中发挥了重要作用。832个贫困县累计发展合作社68.2万家,直接带动近2200万名贫困人口脱贫增收。More than 90 percent of poor villages in China have set up specialized farmers' cooperatives, which play an important role in the country's poverty alleviation efforts. A total of some 682,000 such cooperatives have been established in 832 poverty-stricken counties, which have helped nearly 22 million people shake off poverty, according to a national conference on poverty alleviation via developing industries held Monday in the city of Longnan, northwest China's Gansu province.




【重要讲话】要积极扶持家庭农场、农民合作社等新型农业经营主体,鼓励各地因地制宜探索不同的专业合作社模式。Support should be given to new types of agricultural businesses such as family farms and farmers' cooperatives, and the development of specialized cooperatives suited to local conditions should be encouraged across the country.——2020年7月22日至24日,在吉林省考察时强调


转变农业发展方式transformation of agricultural development

粮食安全food security
