英语中有100多万个单词:有些定义简单,有些含义精确而美丽,还有一些只是说起来听起来更美丽 单词远远不止是少量的字母汇编; 它们构成句子、段落、书籍和故事 对于想要与他人分享信息的人来说,语言是一种强有力的交流方式这里列出了西方人认为的英语中最美丽的10个单词, 这些词反映了西方人enjoy life的生活态度,我来为大家科普一下关于英文单词里最浪漫的单词?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



英语中有100多万个单词:有些定义简单,有些含义精确而美丽,还有一些只是说起来听起来更美丽。 单词远远不止是少量的字母汇编; 它们构成句子、段落、书籍和故事。 对于想要与他人分享信息的人来说,语言是一种强有力的交流方式。这里列出了西方人认为的英语中最美丽的10个单词, 这些词反映了西方人enjoy life的生活态度。

10 Serendipity (n.) 以有利的方式偶然发生的事件或运气

Example: We all have experienced the serendipity of important information arriving just when we were least expecting it.


9 Petrichor (n.) 雨后沁人心脾的泥土味

Example: Although I do love the pleasant, dewy petrichor of the post-rain afternoon, I still hope the weather stays sunny.


8 Supine (adj.) 仰卧的

Example: She was lying supine on the beach chair looking at the sky.


7 Solitude (n.) 与世隔绝或与世隔绝的状态

Example: We enjoyed the beauty and solitude of the quiet beach more than ever.


6 Aurora (n.) 清晨的黎明

Example: The aurora over the skyline was too beautiful not to photograph.


5 Idyllic (adj.) 像一个田园; 非常快乐的、平静的或风景如画的

Example: The blossom growing in the courtyard created such an idyllic setting.


4 Clinomania (n.) 过分想呆在床上

Example: I definitely have clinomania; I love sleeping, making mornings a struggle for me.

我确实懒床; 我喜欢睡觉,这让我早上很挣扎。

3 Pluviophile (n.) 爱雨的人; 一个在雨天能找到快乐和内心平静的人

Example: My sister is a real pluviophile; she really enjoys the weather in the rainy season.

我妹妹是一个真正的喜雨者; 她真的很喜欢雨季的天气。

2 Euphoria (n.) 极度兴奋和幸福的感觉或状态

Example: The euphoria of passing my final exam is a feeling I will never forget.


1 Sequoia (n.) 一种红杉树,尤其指加州红杉

Example: I love visiting forests where you can see a sequoia.
