



The word “guy” is a US slang for a man; effigy of the soldier Guy Fawkes(1570-1606)burned on bonfire night every 5 November.

Guy是美国俚语,指男人。士兵盖伊·福克斯(Guy Fawkes, 1570-1606)的雕像在每年11月5日的英国篝火之夜被焚烧。


Fawkes was the ballistics expert called in to aid the Gunpowder Plot, the Catholic conspiracy to blow up James I at the opening of the Houses of Parliament on 5 November 1605.


The plot was exposed when one of the conspirators told a relative, who subsequently informed the authorities. When the cellars of the House of Lords were searched, they found both Fawkes and the gun powder.

当其中一名同谋者告诉他的一名亲戚后,这一阴谋被揭露,该亲戚随后通知了当局。 当搜查上议院的地窖时,他们发现了福克斯和火药。


He was tortured into revealing the names of his seven co-conspirators. His injuries were so severe that when he was hanged in January of the following year, Fawkes needed assistance to mount the gallows.

他受尽折磨,说出了七名同谋者的名字。 由于伤势严重,第二年1月福克斯被处以绞刑,他需要别人的帮助才能登上绞刑架。

The cellars are still ceremonially searched every year before the state opening of Parliament by the Queen. The report of the warden who discovered the gunpowder is often on public display at Westminster.


需要了解的单词有:ballistics expert弹道专家;conspiracy n. 阴谋,密谋;plot n. 阴谋,密谋;情节;(专用的)小块地。Torturen. 拷打,拷问,酷刑逼供;折磨,煎熬;变形 v. 拷打,拷问,严刑逼供。cellarn. 地下室,地窖;窖藏酒。warden n. 区长;看守人;典狱官。gunpowder n. 火药;有烟火药。Westminster n. 威斯敏斯特(伦敦市的一个行政区,是英国议会及政府所在地)。