春节Spring festival travel rush 春运,我来为大家科普一下关于常用英语单词电子版?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!




Spring festival travel rush 春运

high-speed train 高铁

hard seat

soft seat

business-class seat

second-class seat

first-class seat

standing ticket

hard sleeper 硬卧

soft sleeper



Some kinds of pneumonia are contagious.

face-mask 口罩

Stay away from places with a lot of people!

If you feel like coughing.. Cover your mouth like this!

I snapped up the toilet papper. snap up 抢购一空

Lots of necessities haven been snapped up in the supermarkets.


give me a like 给我点赞

follow me 关注我


The subscriber you dialed is busy now, please redial later.


The world shines because of you


we really hit it off


Do you ever wish to have that Tom Cruise or Jennifer Anniston kind of accent

Today I am gonna share three tips that's gonna help you instantly sound more American

Tip num 1: O is pronounced as A


It's a pattern of behavior.

the tiger never change his stripe


What have you been up to recently?

What are you up to these days?

What have you been working on laterly?

snap my finger 打响指

his is binge-eating the rice 他在狂吃米饭

They've been binge-watching this cartoon for hours 大量观看 刷剧

go on a binge 把酒狂欢

binge-eat 狂吃


He wansta go home = He wants to go home

I'm gonna go = I am going to go

She's gonna go 注意she's 发 /:z/ 的音; native people都这么发音

it's gonna 这里 是/its/ 的音


That is over the top

You've gone too far

That's too much

I know it by heart 我熟记于心


Now, every single time I walk into class this guy says:"Oh , Tom! you here".

And starts frantically clearing my desk of his belongings 急急忙忙的收拾我桌子上的他的东西


have butterflies in my stomach:This idiom means, that you feel nervous. And your stomach is uncomfortable. Like there are butterflies flying in your stomach.

It is my first day of school, and I have butterflies in my stomach.

She has enthusiasm 她对此十分期待

A guarded enthusiasm 谨慎的热情

A little enthusiasm here?

With great enthusiasm 乐意之至

made up your mind

So, you've made up your mind ?

You've made up your mind, right ?

Made up your mind yet, Alex ?

You've already made up your mind, haven't you ?


fall back


humor me

A:Honey, come check out my new ninja T-shirt!

B: Nah...I am busy.

A: Come on, humor me, please.




I went to the blind date my mom arranged just to humour her.



小娘子,你就从了我吧。“这个语境里的”从“其实也可以粗略翻译为humor me.

Wife:"Do you think my butt looks big in these jeans?"

Husband:"No! Not at all! You look as skinny as Nicole Richie."

Wife:"Don't humor me."

在这个小对话中,A问穿这条牛仔裤是不是屁股显大。B说哪有,你就跟Nicole Richie(美国明星)一样瘦。A说“你别哄我开心了。”(心里其实美滋儿滋儿的。)


be my guest

1.假如只是be my guest,那么:

Be my guest=请自便,随意,你想干嘛就干嘛

If anybody wants to work on this, be my guest.


2.假如对方用于询问,并且与would you并用的话:

Be my guest=邀请做客

Would you be my guest for dinner on Friday night?



Never say never 世事无绝对


Emma frantically finished the breakfast so as not to be late for work.
