


评论翻译whfan007Quality of other cities in Korea is similar level with Seoul. and each city has a unique atmosphere. Jeju looks like Philipines island, Kyungju looks like a city of ancient medi and Busan looks like Monaco.Korea is a very Safe, Activity and Unique country in Asia in my experience.韩国其他城市的质量和首尔差不多。每一座城市都有自己独特的氛围。济州岛看上去像菲律宾海岛,庆州像中世纪古城,釜山像摩纳哥。根据我的经验,韩国是亚洲一个非常安全、活跃和独特的国家。It's okk to be smart everydayVery acurate说的很对It's okk to be smart everydayYeah, safer than Japan是的,比日本安全Cari Info ChannelAre there gangs ??韩国有黑帮吗原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Asnol AsnolJR11@Sky Wings Gangs are in every country despite the nation would be safe就算这个国家很安全,也一样会有黑帮存在TheAmelba@Sony Gamer Soo there is gangs in korea所以韩国有黑帮alter @Sky Wings There are gangs but with no guns.韩国有黑帮,但他们没有枪채널양준서TVim 46yrs old Korean. I have lived in Seoul and Incheon. I've never met a gang, been pickpocketed or stolen in 46 years. Of course, violent crimes are committed in Korea, but if that happens, it is not so common.我是韩国人,今年46岁,我在首尔和仁川生活过,在46年的人生中从来没有遇到过黑帮,但遇到过扒手和小偷。当然韩国也有暴力犯罪,但即便有暴力犯罪,但也不常见。3팔7손가락@Sky Wings In the old days, the Korean government used a crime-fighting policy.The police cleared the gang and were successful.There are no gangsters in Korea.韩国政府之前采取了严厉打击犯罪活动的政策。警察成功清理了黑帮。韩国现在已经没有什么帮派了김민수I am 28 years old seoul citizen. I have never seen gangs in all life.我是首尔市民,今年28岁,我从来没有见过黑帮বিউটিফুল বাংলাদেশ@채널양준서TV I love South Korea. And South Korea is soo safe country. Love from Bangladesh我喜欢韩国,韩国是一个非常安全的国家,来自孟加拉的爱OFFLoW김태겸Jeju is just jeju not like Philipines island. Busan is just busan. It is not like Monaco.济州岛就是济州岛,不是什么菲律宾海岛,釜山就是釜山,不是什么摩纳哥wander planetSeoul is a very fantastic city to travel. Most of the attractions, including Hongdae, Gangnam Station, Insadong and Myeongdong, are easily accessible by subway. First of all, security is excellent so you can walk around safely at night!首尔是一座很棒的旅游城市,弘大、江南站、仁寺洞和明洞等大部分景点都可以坐地铁到达,最重要的是,非常安全,所以你可以在晚上安全的外出散步原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处차지윤yes and you guys can walk around on the street with beer!! xD是的,你可以拿着啤酒在街上走Boban The МightyKorea seems to be a very advanced country.Everything is futuristic.韩国似乎是一个非常发达的国家,一切都棒极了Living KoreaIt is advanced man. Very much韩国就是发达国家,非常发达Parkim living in Paris. EVERYTHING is advanced in Korea.我在巴黎生活,韩国的一切都很发达原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Living Korea@Park lol. I loved Paris. I spent 2 months there in 2007. Would like to visit again我爱巴黎,我在2017年的时候在巴黎生活了两个月的时间,我想再到巴黎旅游Park@Living Korea Yes it's a beautiful city. everything is well conserved than Korea lol . Tradition vs Modern是的,巴黎是一座美丽的城市,巴黎的一切都被保护的比韩国更好,传统VS现代Peter KennedeyBeing in Seoul was like being in a futuristic society. Compared to America,Korea is light years ahead of us in terms of technology. I also loved how cheap the food was!首尔就像是未来社会,和美国相比,韩国在技术方面遥遥领先好几个光年,我也很喜欢韩国便宜的美食原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Dooly KingI know what you mean, when I've been to NY as well as Europe, like Italy and the Netherlands. I was so impressed of the cleanliness and the advanced built subway stations and trains in Seoul. I think the other countries need to revamp their public transportation vehicles too, but it does take a LOT of money for such investment.我去过纽约和欧洲,比如意大利和荷兰,所以我明白你的意思。韩国的干净整洁和先进的地铁与火车给我留下了深刻的印象,我认为其他国家也需要对自己的公共交通系统进行改造,但要进行这样的投资要花很多钱Causing a BREAK@Dooly King US can make it like South Korea if they invest tones of money cuz they r hella rich. But US use their money to the military.如果美国也愿意大量投资的话,他们可以让交通系统变得像韩国一样,但美国把钱都花在了军事上YveFun Fact: People consider Canada as safe country in general. Comparing South Korea vs Canada, in terms of crime rate, you are 2.4 times more likely to get murdered in Canada than in South Korea. You are 20 times more likely to become a victim of auto theft in Canada than South Korea. So, yes, Korea is very safe country to travel to.有趣的是,人们认为加拿大是一个安全的国家,但和韩国相比,在加拿大你被人谋杀的概率是韩国的2.4倍,在加拿大你的汽车被人盗窃的几率是韩国的20倍。所以韩国对于游客来说是一个很安全的国家RrHmm, I'm astonished about that many Americans think Korea is similar level with southeast asia. Totally false, we have similar or better infrastructures than Japan.很多美国人认为韩国和东南亚国家差不多,这让我感到很惊讶,但实际上我们的基础设施和日本差不多,或甚至比日本更好原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处#LoveIceCreamHello, just to clarify. South Korea is only deemed as safe because many victims fail to report. And, almost every South Korean hotel you travel to, have a pornography camera watching victims, which is a big problem.澄清一下,韩国之所以被人认为很安全,是因为很多受害者没有报案。而且几乎你在旅游时入住的每一家韩国酒店都有安装色情摄像头偷拍,这是一个很大的问题。MimMAs I've traveled several asian countries, I believe that South Korea was the best. Hong Kong, one of the most significant cities around the world, was too densely populated and fee of the transportation was too high. Osaka and Kyoto, those cities were very clean and beautiful, but snacks and transportation were quite expensive. And Taipei, you can travel there with low budget but the streets weren't clean enough. Indonesia, Philippines and other southeastern asian countries, they cannot even compete with them.我去过好几个亚洲国家,我认为韩国是最好的,香港是世界上最重要的城市之一,但人口密度太大,而且交通费用太高,大阪和京都非常的干净和美丽,但小吃和交通费用都太高了。去台北的旅游费用很低,但街道不怎么干净。而印尼菲律宾和其他东南亚国家连上述这几个地方都比不过。Mimi KI totally agree. I’m in Taipei now and you can travel really cheap here but other than that it’s kinda dirty and the buildings are old and run down. The city itself is not as modern as Seoul.我完全同意,我现在就在台北,在这里旅游很便宜,但这里有点脏,建筑物很破旧,台北没有首尔那么的现代化Zara Jay@Pun Jab I For me Singapore and South Korea are the best in Asia!对我来说,韩国和新加坡是亚洲最好的国家Jake LINI just moved to Seoul two weeks ago. I live in Seodaemun-gu. Almost no foreigners here. I want to learn the language as soon as possible我在两周前刚刚搬到首尔,我住在西大门区,这里几乎没有外国人,我想尽快学习韩语Kim miyoI dont think korea is the best country for traveling but very good for living in. have a great time during your stay.我认为对于旅游来说,韩国不是最好的国家,但非常适合生活,祝你在韩国期间生活愉快
