


” 我把铲子藏起来就回来“。

当她进屋后,她的姐姐批评她说:” 你为什么叫得那么大声,好像要让全世界的人听到一样?这本来是仅仅给我耳朵的,应该只能让我一个人听到“。


她轻声对他姐姐说:‘ 我有些事情想告诉你i 有人偷走了那铲子!” 她的姐姐放弃了把她变聪明的想法。


Simple Chelsea

Chelsea was a simple young girl. One day, Chelsea was working in the family garden when her older sister called out to her to come in and have lunch.

“ Wait a minute!' shouted Chelsea.

" I'll hide the spade and come!"

When she came in, her sister scolded her, " Why did you shout like that for the whole world to heear? What is meant only for my ears should be heard by mean alone!"

After lunch, Chelsa went back to the garden but returned immediately.

She whispered to her sister, " I have something to tell you. Somebody has stolen the spade!'" Her sister gave up the idea to smarten her up.
