1. Demographic relationships that have been ______ may not be useful targets for prolonged study: that very characteristic suggests that they may continue to change rapidly.,我来为大家科普一下关于gre分析题及答案?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



1. Demographic relationships that have been ______ may not be useful targets for prolonged study: that very characteristic suggests that they may continue to change rapidly.

A. static

B. enervated

C. intransigent

D. moribund

E. Mutable



填空对应:change rapidly

词汇:static 静止的

Enervated 衰弱的,无力的

Intransigent 不妥协的

Moribund 垂死的

Mutable 可变的

2. The ability to reproduce in her paintings the supple and shapely lines of her great-grandfather’s paintings seems to have ______ her the way a particular cast of mind might be perpetuated in another family.

A. devolved upon

B. become occluded in

C. ebbed in

D. strengthened

E. Confounded


填空对应:reproduce - perpetuate; the supple ... lines - a particular...mind

解释:根据上面的对应,可知主语the ability ...paintings跟the way ...family是完全对等的,因此句子简化成the ability ___her the way,空填give的广义同义词。

词汇:devolve 下放

Occlude 堵塞

Ebb 衰退

Strengthen 加强

Confound 困惑

3. In the search for truth, the knowledge gained by scientists consists of approximations with varying degrees of certainty. Such (i)_____ truth can be highly (ii)_____, as the rapid and relatively steady progress of medical knowledge well exemplifies.

A. unambiguous D. useful

B. esoteric E. equivocal

C. provisional F. contentious



填空对应:approximations - varying degrees of certainty - blank i; well exemplifies - blank ii;

词汇:unambiguous 明确的

Esoteric 难懂的

Provisional 临时的

Useful 有用的

Equivocal 模棱两可的

Contentious 好战的;引起争论的

4. The kilt has certainly had (i)______ history, outlawed as it was by Britain in 1746 as an emblem of nationalist subversion, then more recently (ii)______ from men’s to women’s apparel in a 2003 European Union survey, and ridiculed at various times for a wide variety of reasons.

A. an obscure D. reclassified

B. an illustrious E. feigned

C. a contentious F. Manufactured



填空对应:blank i -outlawed blank ii ridiculed

解释:outlawed...then...and...三句都在对blank i进行解释,blank ii结合outlawed句和ridiculed 句与blank i联动。二空根据语义,不是制造或捏造,因此选D。有同学在一空可能会选obscure,obscure指的是令人费解的,晦涩的难懂的。这段历史实际是非常清晰的,每段时间发生了什么都在后面呈现了出来,只是不同阶段人们对kilt的看法不同,所以是contentious,引起争议的。

词汇:obscure 难懂的

Illustrious 杰出的

Contentious 引起争议的

Reclassify 重新归类

Feign 捏造

Manufacture 制造

5. Having displayed his art collection in a vast modernist white space in (i)______ former warehouse, Mr. Saatchi has chosen for his new site its polar opposite, a riverside monument to civic pomposity that once housed the local government. There is nothing (ii)______ about the new location: the building’s design is bureaucratic baroque, (iii)______ style that is as declamatory as a task-force report and as self-regarding as a campaign speech.

A. a decadent D. atavistic G. an ascetic

B. a claustrophobic E. spare H. a grandiose

C. an unprepossessing F. pretentious I. an understated


逻辑关系提示词:“.”,取同;polar opposite,取反;nothing,取反

填空对应:pomposity /baroque - blank i&ii&iii;


词汇:decadent 衰落的,颓废的

Claustrophobic 幽闭恐惧症患者

Unprepossessing 不吸引人的

Atavistic 返祖现象的

Spare 空余的

Pretentious 自命不凡的

Ascetic 苦行的

Grandiose 浮夸的

Understated 低调的

6. (i)______, we can safely infer causality by appealing to a set of general principles (Newtonian mechanics, for example) that are well understood and have been shown to apply in comparably straightforward circumstances. However, for the opposing class, which consists of (ii)______ systems like the global economy, human physiology, or the human mind itself, explanations of singular events are usually (iii)______, absent the requisite accounting for the intricate dynamics of such systems.

A. In unknown settings D. complex G. consistent

B. For complicated events E. homogeneous H. unjustified

C. In simple situations F. equivalent I. unequivocal



填空对应:straightforward - blank iⅈsafely infer - blank iii

词汇:in unknown settings 在未知的情境下

For complicated events对于复杂的情况

In simple situations 在简单的情况下

Complex 复杂的

Homogeneous 同质的

Equivalent 相等的

Consistent 一致的

Unjustified 不正当的

Unequivocal 明确的

7. The _______ of highly social species like rhesus monkeys—and like humans—is that their complex sociality is the reason for their success, but it’s also the source of their greatest troubles.

A. virtue

B. irony

C. delight

D. paradox

E. myth

F. Joy




词汇:virtue 美德

Irony - paradox 矛盾

Delight - joy开心

Myth 神秘

8. Since new movie stars seem to be cut from only a few bolts of the same bland cloth these days, it is ______ just to be in the presence, once again, of a true original.

A. unremarkable

B. reassuring

C. routine

D. invigorating

E. overwhelming

F. Refreshing




词汇:unremarkable - routine 平凡的

Reassuring 可靠的

Invigorating- refreshing 精力充沛的

Overwhelming 压倒性的

9. Once the judge had been found guilty of corruption, it was not long before he found himself______ his position.

A. revolted by

B. divested of

C. stripped of

D. recognized by

E. enamored of

F. absorbed by


逻辑关系提示词:not long,取反

填空对应:guilty of corruption

词汇:revolted by 被反叛

Divested of - stripped of 被剥脱

Recognized by 被认出

Enamored of - absorbed by被吸引

10. Eschewing today’s hovered-over kids as less plausible characters for an adventure story, Rebeca Stead set her new children’s novel in nineteen-seventies New York to show children with a great deal of ______.

A. autonomy

B. independence

C. resilience

D. self-assurance

E. sympathy

F. Sensitivity




词汇:autonomy - independence 自主

Resilience 回弹

Self-assurance 自我保证

Sympathy 同情

Sensitivity 敏感

