






1.I love that feeling when you first open your eyes in the morning and you don't even know why everything seems different than usual. The it hits you: Everything is quiet. No cars honking. No buses going down the street. Then you run over to the window, and outside everything is covered in white: the sidewalks, the trees, the cars on the street, your windowpanes. And when that happens on a school day and you find out your school is closed, well, I don't care how old I get: I'm always going vo think that that's the best feeling in the world.


2.I'm not the greatest student in the world. I know some kids actually like school, but I honestly can't say I do. I like some parts of school, like PE and computer class. And lunch and recess. But all in all, I'd be fine without school. And the thing I hate the most about school is all the homework we get. It's not enough that we have to sit through class after class and try to stay awake while they fill our heads with all this stuff we will probably never need to know, like how to figure out the surface area of a cube or what the difference is between kinetic and potential energy. I'm like, who cares? I've never, ever heard my parents say the word "kinetic" in my entire life !

每个上学的小孩子都能在这段话中找到同感。不过长大后你就会发现,那时候学习的知识是有用的,只不过大部分比较隐形。比如这个“kinetic”这个词,我在部门培训的leaners' differences 那里听到了,哈哈哈。

3.Not everything in the world is about you !

4.it's so weird how that can be, how you could have a night that's the worst in your life, but to everybody else it's just an ordinary night. Like, on my calendar at home, I would mark this as being one of the most horrific days of my life. This and the day Daisy died. But for the rest of the world, this was just an ordinary day. Or maybe it was even a good day. Maybe somebody won the lottery today.


5.what is beautiful is good, and who is good will soon be beautiful.
