
Is 30 Minutes of Exercise a Day Enough?



For years, exercise scientists tried to quantify the ideal “dose” of exercise for most people. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans advised anyone who was physically able to accumulate 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week, and half as much if it is intense.


But what’s the best way to space out those weekly minutes? And what does “moderate” mean?


Aim for the 150-minute sweet spot.


“For longevity, 150 minutes a week of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity clearly is enough,” said Dr. Lee, a professor of epidemiology at the Harvard. She has extensively studied movement and health and helped draft the current national physical activity guidelines.



1. dose /dəʊs/ a measured amount of something such as medicine 剂量

2. moderate /ˈmɒd.ər.ət/ neither small nor large in size, amount, degree, or strength 中等的

3. space out: to arrange things or people so that there is some distance or time between them 留间隔

4. sweet spot: the particular situation, quality, combination of things, etc. that is the best or most effective possible 最有效点

5. epidemiology /ˌep.ɪ.diː.miˈɒl.ə.dʒi/ the scientific study of diseases and how they are found, spread, and controlled in groups of people 流行病学



Moderate exercise, she continued, means “activities that increase your breathing and heart rate, so the exertion feels like a five or six on a scale between one and 10.” In other words, pick up the pace a bit if your inclination is to stroll, but do not feel compelled to sprint.


Consider exercise snacks.


You also can break up your exercise into even smaller segments. “It doesn’t matter whether exercise is done in a long, continuous 30-minute session or is dispersed across the day in shorter sessions,” said an exercise scientist at the University of Sydney in Australia who studies physical activity and health.


Recent studies overwhelmingly show that we can accumulate our 150 weekly minutes of moderate exercise in whatever way works best for us, he said. “Many people may find it easier and more sustainable to squeeze in a few dozen one-minute or two-minute walks between work tasks” or other commitments. “There is no special magic to a sustained 30-minute session of exercise” for most health benefits.


Think of these bite-size workouts as exercise snacks, he said. “Activities like bursts of very fast walking, stair climbing and carrying shopping bags provide excellent opportunities for movement snacks.” To concentrate the health benefits of these workout nuggets, he added, keep the intensity relatively high, so you feel somewhat winded.

