
纵观 2017 年所有的托福考试,从 2017.1.14-2017.12.17 期间,共计 40 场考试(中国大陆)地 质学的出现概率为每两次考试出现一篇。

也就是你每次考试有百分之五十的概率会遇到它。比起生物学,艺术史一类的"必考"篇目,比 例不算高,但是大家会扎心地发现,这个相对低调的学科非常难以处理,遇到这个老朋友经常 会造成整场考试滑铁卢。在湉不甜 2017 年 1-1 教授的 108 名童鞋中,每 10 个会有 7 位认为地 质学对于分数的影响比较大学科难度强,其中,3 位认为地质学的影响非常大。毕竟一次考试 中如果一篇文章出现 3 条以及以上的错误,那么本次考试想拿到 25 分就非常困难了。


用刚刚过去的 12 月举例,五次考试共两次出现地质学;

12 月托福考试日期:12.2 12.9 12.10 12.16 12.17 出现地质学的日期为:12.10 12.17 文章次序:喜欢排在第一篇(不一定) 12.10 和 12.17 均为lecture One 那我们看一下,那两次(4 篇)考试文章对应的内容回顾:


在考试之前,tpo 上的对应篇目(最后有整理给大家哦)做三遍,精听分析,词汇和背景知识,听多了,其实就不会那么生疏了。

3.心态上容易崩盘 这个问题同样适用于天文,生物等学科,尤其是讲到陌生的概念时候。

首先大家要明确一件事情,托福并没有考察大家会不会,学没有学过这些知识点,这些概 念,作为一个语言类考试,它的首要任务是测试它给出的信息,大家是不是能够理解。也 就是,所有所谓不会的,人家都会解释。

我们该紧张的不是这个定义,内容有没有遇到过。而是对方给出定义,我并不能抓住这个 定义是什么。


Egyptian hieroglyphs are the ancient Egyptian writings, found in ancient Egypt on walls, monuments, and on the inside and outside of the temples.(25.3)


一个非常熟悉的信息:temple,在**的位置。 总结:H&Temple

这个时候,心理上就很崩溃了,寺庙,H,后面的内容似乎和寺庙没有什么关系,怎么听怎么 不对,并且明确感知自己听的有问题。然后越来越不明白。

问题非常简单,这个不仅仅是心态稳不稳的问题,是一个定义处理的问题。你可以不懂 H 其 实就是指象形文字,但是不可以当文章明确说明,hieroglyphs are the ancient Egyptian writings 的时候,没有抓到是什么,其实核心信息非常简单,H 是文字。也就是词汇要求仅 仅是,writing 指的是文字。那么这种情况还是不能明白的小朋友可以去先背单词了。



那我们来看下考点的详细解析。 整理所有我们遇到的地质学文章,最常见的考点总结如下:









考点 1 过程

Professor: That's right. It's one of the longest and deepest limestone caves not just in the country but in the world. Now, what else?

Male Student: Well, it was formed because of sulfuric acid, right?

Professor: That's it. Yeah, what happens is you have deep underground oil deposits and there are bacteria. Here let me draw a diagram. Part of the limestone rock layer is permeated by water from below. Those curly lines are supposed to be cracks in the rock. Below the water table and rock is oil. Bacteria feed on this oil and release hydrogen sulfide gas. This gas is hydrogen sulfide, rises up and mixes with oxygen in the underground water that sits in the cracks and fissures in the limestone. And when hydrogen sulfide reacts with the oxygen in the water, the result of that is sulfuric acid, Ok? Sulfuric acid eats away at limestone very aggressively. So you get bigger cracks and then passageway is being formed along the

openings in the rock and it's all underground. Ah yes, Paul? (16.1)


首先:H2SO4;H2S 这两种物质要知道,不行就简写,不能明白的就不要想着我待会儿看不 看得懂,大半是看不懂,最好知道是 S 酸和某气体就可以,关键不能影响后面的句子。


acid; bacteria; gas; feed on;crack;要认识 我们在听的时候会得到一张图:



细菌和油生成硫化氢; 硫化氢气体上升和水里面的氧气反应成硫酸; 硫酸吃掉(腐蚀)石头,形成更大的洞,缝隙。

我们看下处理后的笔记。只需要加上四个单词就可以。这种情况下,记录和信息接收可以很好 地协调。不会产生干扰。


过程不需要非常理解,但是记录要快,速度要求高。文章说的,简要记录,标出过程,方向。 就可以。

很多同学可能这个时候表示依旧不可以接受。好难。好,湉不甜给你第二招,弃车保帅。 这个过程不会考多条题目,那么我先丢弃;


考点 2 问答

出现插入提问就是一个完美的信号,我可以开始新的段落,这种情况下,上下文是不是有关系 都可以变成没有关系。


Sulfuric acid eats away at limestone very aggressively. So you get bigger cracks and then passageway is being formed along the openings in the rock and it's all underground. Ah yes, Paul?

Male Student: So that water... It's not flowing, right? It's still?

Professor: Yes, so there are two kinds of limestone caves. In about 90 percent of them, you have water from the surface, streams, waterfall or whatever - moving water that flows through cracks found in limestone. It's the moving water itself that wears away at the rock and makes passageways. Also, in surface water, there is a weak acid, carbonic acid, not sulfuric acid but carbonic acid that helps dissolve the rock. With a little help from this carbonic acid, moving water forms most of the world's limestone caves. When I was researching this for a study a few years ago, I visited a couple of these typical limestone caves, and they were all very wet, you know, from streams and rivers. This flowing water carved out the caves and the structures inside them.

我们可以看到这个救命的问题就出现在过程最末尾,事实上,一般都是一个新的意群的开始 下面一整个段落中心:LG cave 的水是地下静止的。展开了一个对比讨论:



整段话的信息其实只有 6 个单词,而且结构非常清晰。

And, it's not just the smell. Explorers even need to wear special masks to protect themselves

from the gases in these caves. OK? Paul.

Male Student: Yeah, how about what these caves look like on the inside?

同样的,这个学生提问,也结束了上面一段的对话。提出了文章最后一个问题,也是最后一个 细节考点。

考点 3 特征和比较

准确来说,与众不同之处所有文章都是重点,我称之为求异原则。 和某样事物的不同是比较;和大多数事物的不同为特征;

很多同学会发现,其实 16.1 这篇文章过程只考了一条,后面在讲的其实是两个大对比。要有这种比较考点的意识,可能只是一句话,也很可能是一个大段落。

Yes, so there are two kinds of limestone caves. In about 90 percent of them, you have water from the surface, streams, waterfall or whatever - moving water that flows through cracks found in limestone. It's the moving water itself that wears away at the rock and makes passageways. Also, in surface water, there is a weak acid, carbonic acid, not sulfuric acid but carbonic acid that helps dissolve the rock. With a little help from this carbonic acid, moving water forms most of the world's limestone caves. When I was researching this for a study a few years ago, I visited a couple of these typical limestone caves, and they were all very wet, you know, from streams and rivers. This flowing water carved out the caves and the structures inside them.

Male Student: But not Lechuguilla?

Professor: Dry as a bone. Well, that might be a bit of an exaggeration. But it's safe to say that it's sulfuric acid and not moving water that formed Lechuguilla cave and those few other ones like it. In fact, there is no evidence that flowing water has even gone in or out of the cave. So, it's like a maze. You have passageways all around. There are wide passages, narrow ones at all different depths, like underground tunnels in the limestone.

两个段落现在看上去泾渭分明,可是听的时候成功率统计下来不到百分之五十。 一方面是前文听不明白心理上听不下去。一方面对这个考点没有充分的意识。





And Lechuguilla is pretty much dormant now. It's not really forming any more. But, there is other ones like it, for example, in Mexico, that are forming. And when cave researchers go to explore them, they see and smell, the sulfuric acid and gases of...er...phew...now, something else, think of rotten eggs. And, it's not just the smell. Explorers even need to wear special masks to protect themselves from the gases in these caves. OK? Paul.



Mexico:forming-see smell;mask

方法巩固篇目:5.4 1.2 9.3 7.4 15.2 16.1

冲刺提高篇目:31.2 32.3 35.4 37.1 39.1 49.1 50.4



香港中文大学翻译硕士,南京航空航天大学英语学士,高级口译,专业英语八级。托福雅思十年教育培训经验 托福听力三阶听力法创始人,多次参与托福相关教材制定工作 资深托福培训师。

