




I hope my hopes are hopeful.

他们说你不算出众 但我在茫茫人海中只看到了你.

They say you're not great but you're all I see in a sea of people.

假装看不见 却用余光看了上千遍.

Pretend not to see but with the corner of my eye to see thousands of times.


Thank you for showing up even if it is short.


Cars will always arrive at the station, and people will always leave.


There are always people who have to go far, and there is always no time to stay.


After I met you, I had your name written all over my math scratch paper


Some emotions should be told to someone who understands them.


Like probably is that I heard others call you I look back before you.


In fact, I have seen you many times where you can't see meNo other meaning, just say I like you on a special day.

I can wait, but you can't have no response all the time.


据说 上天安排你在哪个学校读书生活 就证明了那个学校有你需要遇见的一个人

It’s said that which school God arranged for you to study and live at proves that that school has someone you need to meet.

他都懂 他清楚 他明白 他就是没动静

He knows. He knows. He knows. He just doesn't move

无数次点开会话框,却只好失望的再关掉。Countless point meeting words box, but had to be disappointed to close again.

当我开始说算了 你就和别人没什么两样了.

When I start saying forget it you're just like everybody else.

太阳不是突然下山的 所有离开都是蓄谋已久的.

The sun doesn't suddenly set. All departur我es are premeditated.


I want someone to read between the lines and say nothing


It's not a two-way journey, it's meaningless.

春风和煦了人间的日常,还好,光芒总是会遇到。The spring breeze warms up the daily life of the world. Fortunatey, the light always meets.
