法律英文中的古典词汇原创 何思颖,我来为大家科普一下关于关于法律的专业术语英文?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!




原创 何思颖


古英语(Old English)又称盎格鲁-撒克逊语(Anglo-Saxon),是指从450年到1150年间盎格鲁-撒克逊国家所使用的语言。在这之后英语不断发展,吸收外来词汇,古英语渐渐被现代英语取代,但有相当一部分古英语形成了在今天还普遍使用于法律英语的一些专门词汇,这些词语在现代英语其他文体中,尤其是英语口语中,已很少使用,但在法律文书中仍旧普遍应用,为法律英语增添了其特有的专业文体特色。

第一,古英语的词汇有着浓厚的日耳曼语族的特点——其运用复合构词法构成的复合词在古英语词汇中占有显著的地位。据统计,在史诗《贝奥武夫》(Beowulf)3183行的诗句中,有多达1069个复合词。有些复合词中不重读的部分,渐渐失去独立地位,而演变为词缀,如 for-,in-,-ful等派生法在古英语中也广泛使用,共有24个名词后缀、15个形容词后缀,-dom,-hood,-ship,-ness,- the,-ful,-ish 等词缀都可溯源到古英语时期。我们不难发现,如今的法律英语词汇中仍保留着大量的复合词,如:thereabouts(在(时间、地点等)附近,大约)、thereinafter(在下文,在下文中)、thereon(随即,立即)、theretofore(直到那时,在那时之前)、thereupon(于是,因此;随即,立即)、hereby(在此,以本文件)、hereafter(以下,在下文)、hereof(关于这个,在本文件中)、heretofore(迄今为止,在此之前)、herewith(与此一道,用此方法)、whereas(鉴于,考虑到;就…而论)、whereafter(此后,然后,随后)等。这些古老的复合词在英语简化运动中被淘汰,但却因其体现出了法律文体应有的严肃性而沿用至今。


A sales contract is a contract whereby the sellers transfer the ownership of an object to the buyer and the buyer pays the price for it.

买卖合同是出卖人转移标的物的所有权于买受人,买受人支付价款的合同 。

这句话里,“whereby”相当于“by that”。如果用后者代替前者,内容上不会发生变化,但法律英语的词汇特征和法律英语的严谨性就不复存在。因为“by that”不符合法律英语文体在法律英语中的表达习惯。此外,“whereby”比“by that”用词简洁,它使句子精炼、紧凑,更符合法律英语语言精练、正式的特征。


Hereby——by means of this document /with there words/with this action.

I hereby accept your offer. 兹接受你的要约。

Hereunder——in a later part of this document /under the terms of this agreement.

The terms and conditions are listed hereunder. 合同中所列条款。

Thereto——to it, to the thing that I have just mentioned.

At the meeting we will discuss Mrs. Smith’ will and all matters related thereto.


例句:A quorum was not present; therefore, no vote was taken.


The book’s first reference was innocuous, but the five references thereinafter were libelous per se.


The Sellers reserve the right to cancel this contract at any time if they cannot make the delivery as called for under the terms hereof by reason of circumstances beyond their control.


The Contract for the contractual joint venture shall continue from a period of two years thereafter.


第二,语义单一简洁,没有过多引申义。法律语言一般要求准确、严谨、权威,在翻译中也常常要求一个术语只表达一个概念,同一个概念只用同一个术语表达。这就要求词汇词义单一而固定。但许多英语法律词语并不能满足这一条件。因为法律英语先后受到多语言的入侵,外来语吸收广泛且后期在使用过程中也一定程度上扩大或缩小了的原有含义的范围,或者使用范围发生了转移。如,两百年前“burglary”指的是“at Common Law, was the trespassory breaking and entering of the dwelling of another at night with an intent to commit a felony therein. It is an offense against possession and habitation.”即普通法上的“夜闯民宅罪”,指行为人以犯重罪或盗窃为目的破门窗闯入他人住宅的行为。而现在“burglary”却已经演变为制定法上的“破门入室罪”,可包括在一天中任何时间进入,而非一定是破门闯入任何建筑物意图犯重罪或其他轻微犯罪的行为。但古英语在日常生活中早已被普通英语所抛弃,因此现存的古英语词汇词义单一,没有引申义。这意味古英语的语义准确,一词对应着一义,法律英语文本不同与普通文本,一旦生效就具有法律效力,若用词意义过多难免会造成歧义和误解,这种情况下,没有引申义的古英语就是法律英语文书用语的最好选择。如:aforesaid(上述的)、behoove(必要的,恰当的)、hanged(绞刑,而不用hung)、aid and abet(同谋)、metes and bounds(边界)等。

例句:He was hanged at dawn. 他在黎明时被处以绞刑。

The aforesaid amount(s) shall include interests and reasonable fees and expenses which might be incurred for arbitration.


Three of the police officers charged with aiding and abetting in his murder have made their first court appearances.


It be hoves the House to assure itself that there is no conceivable alternative.


第三,对于具有规范性、严肃性的法律语言而言,古体词不仅能使法律语言庄重严肃,并且还具备神圣性、权威性和严密性,故在法律英语文本中常用一些古体词来体现其正式性。如表示“根据...条例”法规,普通英语中可能会用according to,而在法律英语中则会用古旧的in accordance with结构;表示“倘若,条件是“的意思会采用provided that而不用if,此外,如果provided that之前存在一个主句,则它表示的是一个与之前陈述相反的例外, 相当于“with exception of”, 翻译成“但”。法律界通常称呼这类句子为“ 但书”(proviso)。


The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-eight.


At the end of the lease term, the parties may renew the lease, provided that the renewed term may not exceed twenty years commencing on the date of renewal.


Provided that there is a breach by the seller, the buyer shall be entitled to a damage of US$400.


The participants in the Joint Venture shall commence discussion with regard to the extension of the period of existence of the Venture and in the event of their agreeing upon such extension, they shall record such agreement in a written document signed by all of them not later than three years prior to the expiry of the current period.

就本合资企业的存续时限的延期问题,各方应进行讨论; 一旦各方就此达成一致,应形成书面协议,由各方在本合同期限到期之前的三年内签字生效.

第四,古英语还用来表示一些法律英语中常用的一般概念的词语。 例如动词 witness在法律英语中加古英语构成第三人称单数的后缀-eth 而成 witnes-seth; 再如 said, named, duly , deem , expiration等都是法律英语常用的古词语。

例句:Ask a friend to Witnesseth your signature.


The outstanding credit and debt between the parties under Contract shall not be affected upon the termination or expiration of Contract.


The Dodd-Frank bill gave US regulators the power to deem any institution “systemically important” .


The persons signing an application form and funding agreement must be duly authorised to do so.


If the contract shall duly perform and observe all terms, provisions,conditions and stipulations of the said Contract, this obligation shall be null and void but otherwise shall be and remain in full force and effect.

