




美籍匈牙利大提琴家斯塔克(Janos Starker)有着高超的技巧,追求质朴、刚劲的演奏。他重新编订了巴赫的6首无伴奏组曲,强调了那种粗砺、刚劲的表达。他演奏的科达伊的奏鸣曲,把此曲技巧上的高难表现得游刃有余堪称绝活。而他录制的德沃夏克协奏曲,舒曼、拉罗、圣桑的协奏曲,都是他最成熟时期的丰硕成果。这篇文章是斯塔克的学生约翰·塞洛尔(John Cloer)的回忆录 ,记录了他如何跟从斯塔克学习的过程以及个中的珍贵体验,这篇自传性的文章不仅限于大提琴学习者,相信能够引起更多音乐学习者的共鸣。


The following article is an autobiographical description of study with the world- renowned cellist and pedagogue Janos Starker. Currently in his eighty-fourth year, Professor Starker still maintains a full a full studio at the world-renowned Indiana University's Jacobs School of Music, teaching both fall and spring semesters as well as through the summer sessions.


Even though he proclaimed a concert at the 2005 World Cello Congress as being his final public performance, he still continues to circumnavigate the globe teaching master classes in cello and chamber music, initiating and supporting foundations, honoring colleagues for their contributions, and standing as a bastion of strength and support for any and all who are driven to strive for knowledge, improvement and perfection. His litany of former students includes instrumentalists in many of the major orchestras and institutions of higher learning throughout the world.



He is also acknowledged and respected by generations of colleagues as being one of the few artists of all time equally gifted and successful at both performing and teaching. One would, in fact, be hard-pressed to find a classically trained musician anywhere for which his name would not elicit a strong response.


Much of Starker's teaching career has been centered in Bloomington, Indiana. Indeed, the school's musical infrastructure is due in large part to his, and a few of his closest colleagues, influence. Along with such artists as Josef Gingold and György Sebok, Starker worked tirelessly to build an environment where young musicians, whether their interests be solo, collaborative or orchestral, could amass the most complete body of information and experiences for every possible aspect of music making.



Students who recognized and took advantage of the unique possibilities found three distinctly different artists and personalities, coming from three completely different directions, who were united in their determination that the celebration of these collective differences would produce students that…"not only could do but would know" (Starker, personal communication, 2006).


In the early 80's I became one of these students and for me the recognition of this extraordinary opportunity was almost immediate and completely total. Along with hundreds of like-minded string players and pianists, my week consisted of long hours in the practice room interspersed with the Monday night chamber class of Sebok, the Tuesday night violin class of Gingold, the Saturday afternoon cello class of Starker, my individual lessons, and numerous chamber ensemble rehearsals. This intensity and immersion led to a body of information.



The inspiration and motivation for this article was in fact born during my graduate study at Indiana. I had chosen Indiana after taking auditions at what was a litany of the best schools on the East Coast and with some of the most prominent artist/teachers known. At each school I had asked the artist/teacher for a lesson after the audition and, with one exception, all were eager to comply.


The consensus after my auditions seemed to be what those of us in the profession have come to know as the standard selling pitch of every artist eager to attract a full and diverse studio. I was collectively told that I was talented, accomplished, and well on my way to a successful performing career.



My study with them at their respective schools would inevitably be the impetus toward achieving my goals. At all of the schools, I received substantial scholarships and was somewhat gratified by the words of encouragement and acknowledgment that I had heard.


My audition at Indiana was the last in my circuit and took place on a Saturday in March of 1980 in Janos Starker's studio at the School of Music, MA-155. In a prior telephone conversation when I inquired about the possibility of receiving a lesson, Starker had informed me that there would be a cello class during the afternoon of my audition. According to him, I could observe his teaching there and, after the cello class, we "could talk." Four other faculty members were present during my audition.

在印第安纳大学的试奏是我在东海岸试奏的最后一站,那是在1980年一个三月的星期六,于音乐学院亚诺什·斯塔克教授的工作室里,房间是MA-155。在先前的一个电话交谈中,我问到上一节课的可能性,斯塔克就告诉我说,在下午的试奏过程中就会有一节大提琴课。按他的话说,我可以在那里观察他授课,下课后,我们 “可以交流”。在我试奏时,还有四个其他教职工也在现场。


I later came to know that they were Fritz Magg, Helga Winold, Gary Hoffman, and Walter Gödde, who was at that time Starker's assistant. I played portions of the first movement of the Dvorak Concerto, the second movement of the Haydn D Major Concerto, Bach's d minor Suite for Solo Cello and Boccherini's A Major Sonata.

后来我知道他们是Fritz Magg, Helga Winold,Gary Hoffman和Walter Gödde,当时是斯塔克工作室的助手。我拉了德沃夏克《大提琴协奏曲》第一乐章的一部分,海顿《D大调大提琴协奏曲》的第二乐章,巴赫《d小调大提琴无伴奏组曲》和波凯里尼的《A大调大提琴奏鸣曲》。

Starker asked briefly about my undergraduate study, the repertoire I had worked on, and asked me to play excerpts from this repertoire. After giving me directions to the room where the cello class would occur, he dismissed me by saying, "You are done."



The master class took place in MA-405, a room designed to seat a maximum of seventy-five persons and, by the time I arrived, there was standing room only. It remained so for the first two hours of the four-hour class yet I do not remember being tired of standing, even after the intensity of the audition. It was not until the third hour that I managed to find a seat.


What followed was eight thirty-minute lessons whereby each student played either one movement of a concerto, one movement of a duo sonata, etudes, or movements of solo suites or sonatas. The final lesson was the first movement of Schubert's B flat piano trio. Although the language spoken throughout the class was primarily English, much of what was discussed was completely unfamiliar to me.



It was also obvious to me that everyone else seemed completely familiar and at ease with the information being given. What remains imprinted on my brain however, was the fact that I could clearly see and hear the distinct improvement of each and every student, even though my comprehension of exactly why they improved remained elusive.


Although I had performed in and attended master many classes throughout my student career, I had never witnessed anything even remotely comparable to the information that was disseminated. The overriding thought that I remember from the experience was the sobering realization that I could never possibly consider myself a professional musician without understanding the concepts being discussed. This fact somewhat overwhelmed me.



After the class, I and at least a dozen others followed Starker back to his studio where he proceeded to schedule lessons for the next week. After everyone had left, Starker turned to me and, in words that due to his inimitably precise and calculated brevity are still imprinted on my brain, he said, "Look. You obviously feel the music and you have good hands but you are basically fighting the instrument. It is the type of playing I detest because it is so unnecessary.


You are accepted to study at Indiana but you would be better off if you went some place where they would make you feel good about yourself. Here you will have to start over with the basics……from scratch. I should tell you though, if you do not start over, you will never know what you don't know. You will also never be successful. Do you have any questions?"



Even though my head was awash with questions from the class, my embarrassment at my ignorance and the shock of his words effectively rendered me speechless and I simply shook my head negatively. He then said, "No? Then good-bye and good luck."


The next month was spent trying to reach a decision regarding my future study. More than twenty-five years later, these deliberations are still palpable. At that time, I had so needed and wanted to believe the positive attestations and affirmations that I had received from the other artist/teachers.



In contrast to this was Starker's terse assessment paralleling my own realization of my lack of knowledge, awareness, and experience upon observing the master class. With the discrepancy between Starker and all the others, I had to acknowledge the possibility that these other artist/teachers simply needed to strengthen their respective studios.


Consequently, their words to me might be somewhat circumspect. On the other hand, from the number of students in the class and around him, Starker obviously neither needed nor wanted more students. He therefore had no apparent logical reason to so directly address me other than honest appraisal. Especially after watching the class, I felt instinctively that he was correct in his assessment. Consequently, after much thought, I decided to attend Indiana University and study with Starker.


