





因此,在逻辑思维方面,小学生、初中生、高中生、大学生,各有各的自然之道。但是大家如都吃“保健品”一样,到处补习“模板 技巧”等课程毫无作用。学生们喜欢补习英语写作技巧,我不明白他/她为什么要补习技巧。




No. 1 主语 谓语 直接宾语

He does not like cold weather.

No.2 主语 谓语 否定(not)不定式等

They decided not to go.

No. 3 主语 谓语 名词或代词 (not) 不定式

I warned him not to be late.

No. 4 主语 谓语 名词或代词 (to be)补足语

Tom’s teacher thinks him (to be) the cleverest boy in the class.

No.5 主语 谓语 名词或代词 不定式等

Did anyone notice the thief leaving the house?

No.6 主语 谓语 名词或代词 现在分词

Do you feel the house shaking?

No.7 主语 谓语 宾语 形容词

The cold weather turned leaves red.

No.8 主语 谓语 宾语 名词

They chose Mr. Wang president.

No.9 主语 谓语 宾语 过去分词

His actions made him respected.

No.10 主语 谓语 宾语 副词、副词短语

They led me to believe that there no danger.

No11. 主语 谓语 (that) 从句

He explained (that)nothing could be done.

No12. 主语 谓语 宾语 (that) 从句

Please remind her that she must be here early

No13. 主语 谓语 连接词 to do不定式

You must remember whether to go or stay.

No14. 主语 谓语 名词或代词 连接词 不定式

Please tell me whether to come or not.

No15. 主语 谓语 连接词 主谓

I do not care what you think.

No16. 主语 谓语 名词或代词 连接词 主谓

Please advise her what she does.

No17. 主语 谓语 (not)不定式/动名词 等

We stopped to talk.

No18. 主语 谓语 直接宾语 to或for等及其宾语

He offered one to me.

No19. 主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语

He handed me the book.

No20. 主语 谓语 for 补足语

We walked (for) five miles.

No21. 主语 谓语

We all breathe, eat and drink.

No22. 主语 谓语 表语

Please get ready to start.

No23. 主语 谓语 副词性附加语

A chair will not stand on two legs.

No24. 主语 谓语 介词 介词宾语

He succeeded in solving the problem.

No25. 主语 谓语 to do不定式

The good old days have gone never to return.


Dear my fellows and friends,

As one of the high-school students, I could get me admired at present and in future to do some washing, cleaning room and cooking either on Saturday or Sunday usually at home.

This helps me grow successfully in day to come by working hard at living a happy life in my family. I regarded it as being my grown-up step which I go up, following my parents who put me right in mistakes I made on doing something wrong to do, if possibly.

Combining with this, I praised them for enabling me to develop intellectually and physically, to be one of the best citizens in community as well as sociability.

Having achieved its goal, as one of students, I could get lessons successful in the Math, Chinese, Chemistry, physics and English, all, taught by my teachers from school, which would turn me beneficial to the promising future that will be held to build the newly-modern China prosperous and strong.


英语写作“五大基石”是正根(非模板套作技巧等),知道了明逻辑、暗逻辑,如:在这篇英语作文中的分词逻辑(enabling属暗逻辑),还可看出了逻辑思维表达形式,如:turn、代词逻辑This、非谓语逻辑following,Combining with,to be one,Having achieved its goal,to do some washing、定语句who put,that will be held,which would、介词短语逻辑by working hard等多种暗逻辑表达形式。

在英语写作中,把“内容 逻辑 语法”三位一体的知识紧密连接起来,达到语言理解和表达的准确性、得体性和有效性,进一步增强逻辑思维的意识。


