




Share interests, spread happiness, increase knowledge,

and leave a good legacy!

Dear you, this is The LearningYard Academy.

Today Xiaobian brings you today's sharing (twenty-three), welcome your visit!



Stress sources are mainly divided into three aspects, biological stressors, mental stressors and social stressors.


Biological stressors :include prolonged work without rest and not getting enough time to sleep; Illness leads to poor appetite and lack of interest in eating; External environmental influences, such as noise, sweltering weather.


Mental stressors: include high expectations of oneself and not achieving one's goals; Being hurt in some things, feeling bullied, belittled, ridiculed, and bad experiences are hard to forget; Behavior and morality conflict, doing things that you do not agree with.


Social stressors: some major social changes, the breakdown of some important interpersonal relationships, such as the death of relatives, the breakdown of friendship, and emotional incompatibility; Denial of my own relationships, such as whether I am not suitable for making friends, whether I said something wrong.


On the road of life, we know how to give up, and we walk happily. In the journey of life, we have been searching, but we have ignored the scenery in front of us. In fact, beauty is hidden in the years, lilacs in spring, drizzle in summer, fallen leaves in autumn, and snowflakes in winter are all beautiful.


If gentleness is a kind of wisdom, then firmness is a quality, everyone walks on the road of inner awakening, be a shallow person, be a person who looks down on gains and losses, let their hearts be relieved, and bear all the pressures of fate.

02 如何增强抗压能力


Turn the pressure of transformation into motivation and use failure as an exercise. When you feel pressure, treat it as a goal to accomplish, work hard for it, and improve yourself through constant trial and error.


Listen to music, meditate properly, regulate your emotions through meditation, relieve stress, and exercise regularly.


Divert attention, leave the pressure behind, do something that makes you happy, and escape from the pressure.


Constantly encourage yourself, believe what you insist on, keep thinking, and can't let other people's words affect your judgment.


Relax your mind, selectively forget, throw the unpleasantness that happens, stride forward, and always look forward.

03 三个开心小定律


Sakai's Law: Become a better version of yourself, regardless of whether others look at you or not, just be optimistic about yourself. No matter how good or bad the relationship is in life, the most important thing is to do yourself well, as long as you are good enough, you will definitely be able to gain something.


Matthew Effect: If you achieve something in one area, you will have more opportunities to achieve more. Make yourself stronger in order to get stronger and stronger.


The Barnum Effect: Subjective verification can have an impact on us, mainly in our hearts to believe. In the face of external or positive or negative news, we should use "self-awareness" to filter out bad and untrue words and keep positive information for ourselves.





That's it for today's sharing.

If you have any unique ideas for today's article, please leave a comment, let us meet tomorrow,

I wish you a happy day!


