I feel as if...:我觉得好像……



这个句型的含义与 "I feel..." 相同,但要注意 "as if" 后的从句中多用虚拟语气。

eg :

  • I feel as if I'm running a fever.
  • 我好像有点儿发热。
  • I am too weak toread; yet I feel as if I could enjoy something interesting.
  • 我还太弱,没法读书,但是我觉得我仿佛能够享受一点有趣的东西了。
  • I've been working all day, but I feel as if I've achieved nothing.
  • 我已经工作了一整天,但我自己好像一事无成。
  • I feel as if I had wakened from a nightmare.
  • 我觉得好像刚从恶梦中醒来。
  • 情景对话:

    A: Why are you so crazy about bird-watching? What do you get out of it?


    B: Looking at the beautiful creatures and listening to their songs are such wonderful experiences. I feel as if I'm in the direct contact with nature.


    A: Really?真的吗?

    B: You bet. You should try it yourself.当然。你应该亲自体验一下。
