Wait, cats have breeds?等等 猫也有品种之分?Yes, it’s true,是的 没错there’s more than just the breed “domestic cat.”“家猫”可不止一个品种While most of us ordinary humans obtain our cats from the local animal rescue我们大多数人 从当地动物救助站领养猫咪or from a friend who adopted a pregnant stray,或者从朋友家领养新生的小猫崽some people shell out money for fancy breeds of cat而有些人会花钱买名贵的品种猫and some people shell out extra-large amounts of money还有人愿意花大把的钱for really, really fancy breeds of cat.去买非常昂贵的品种猫So it might cost you up to $3,000 for a flat-faced Persian所以 一只平面波斯猫价格可能高达3000美金or $3,500 for an elegant Maine coon,according to People,而一只优雅缅甸猫价值3500美元 视市场需求而定but if you want to spend the really big bucks,如果你想花天价来买猫there are a couple hybrid breeds that will give you points这可以推荐你两种混血品种猫for having an exotic cat as well as points不仅能满足你对品种奇特性的需求for spending way more money on a cat than you really need to.还能快速消耗掉你花不完的钱According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association,据爱猫者协会介绍the Bengal is a large domestic cat that has a rosette pattern孟加拉是一种大型家猫 且皮毛上on its coat circular markings resembling those of a leopard.带有玫瑰形图案 类似豹的圆形斑纹So if you want a domesticated cat that looks like a wild one without the part所以 如果你想要一只长得像野猫where it kills you in your sleep and eats you但不是那种长相凶猛又吓人的猫you could look into purchasing a Bengal.你可以考虑买一只孟加拉This breed can trace its ancestry back to 1963,这个品种的祖先可以追溯到1963年when a breeder weirdly decided to cross那时有个饲养员不知道怎么想的a domestic cat with the Asian Leopard Cat,让家猫和亚洲豹纹猫杂交a small type of wild cat that you definitely don’t want to raise in your home.亚洲豹纹猫是一种你绝对不想养在家里的小型野猫“When this cat gets to be full grown in can rip your face off…这种猫长大后会划伤你的脸why do you seem to revel in that imagery?”为什么你好像对此很得意?All modern Bengals are descended from that original breeding program,现在所有的孟加拉都是当初杂交项目的成果although no cross-breeding with wild cats still occurs虽然我们仍用纯种猫与野猫杂交all Bengals are bred from other Bengals.但所有的孟加拉都由之前的孟加拉繁殖而来One of these cats will cost between $1,500 and $5,000.一只孟加拉价格在1500到5000美金之间You’re probably wondering你可能会好奇can a domestic cat that’s descended from a wild one一只祖先是野猫的家猫really be considered completely domesticated?真的算是被完全驯化了吗?The Cat Fancier’s Association says yes,爱猫者协会表示确实如此although this breed does have a few quirks you won’t find in most other domesticated cats.尽管这个品种确实有一些其他家猫身上没有的特点They’ll happily learn tricks, for example,例如 它们乐意学习技能while most common house cats are clearly far above such things.而大多数家猫显然不屑于这类事Many of them actually enjoy getting wet, too,很多孟加拉也很喜欢玩水and you know how most common house cats feel about that.而大多家猫有多怕水 你心中有数So Bengals are mostly like the cats we’re used to sharing our homes with,所以孟加拉像极了已经习惯和我们同住的猫with a few fun and unexpected differences.能够带来乐趣和意想不到的收获Dropping $5,000 is nothing, though, compared to the most expensive cat breed in the world.不过 比起世界上最昂贵的品种猫 5000美元算不了什么According to the Savannah Cat Association,据热带草原猫协会介绍the Savannah is another hybrid between a domestic cat and a wild cat.萨凡纳是另一种家猫和野猫的杂交种Savannahs are the product of breeding domestic shorthair cats to the African serval,萨凡纳是驯化后的短毛猫和非洲薮猫的杂交后代which is a long way spotted species with large ears and a short tail.这是一种有着大耳朵和短尾巴的斑点猫There are a lot of genetic differences between domestic cats and servals,家猫和萨凡纳有很多遗传差异so early generations of Savannah produced fertile females and sterile males.早期的萨凡纳雌猫有繁殖力 而雄猫没有In later generations, the males were fertile, too,后来的后代中 雄猫也有了繁殖力so breeders could start breeding Savannahs to other Savannahs.这样饲养员就可以让萨凡纳彼此交配繁殖Today’s Savannah is still sort of a work in progress unlike Bengal cat breeders,如今的饲养员仍然在发展萨凡纳的品种who no longer cross in Asian leopard cats,而孟加拉却不再与亚洲豹纹猫杂交Savannah breeders are still producing cats that are 50% African serval.萨凡纳饲养员仍然在培育有一半非洲薮猫血统的萨凡纳So if you want a cat that is literally half-wild,所以 如果你想要一只半野生的猫somewhere out there is a breeder who will happily take your money.某个地方有个饲养员正等着接你的生意Or you can get later generations of Savannahs或者你可以养血统不纯的后来几代that are the result of breeding Savannah to Savannah.就是萨凡纳彼此交配繁殖出的后代How much you spend on your Savannah cat depends a lot on萨凡纳的价格主要取决于which generation the animal is它的繁殖代数and how close it original breeds seval以及它和纯种野生型的血缘亲疏So you may only spend $1,500 on a pet-quality sixth or seventh generation Savannah,所以你可以只花1500美元买一只六代或七代萨凡纳but if you want a first-generation breeding-quality female但如果你要一只血统纯正的一代母猫that looks pretty darn similar to a wild African cat,看起来非常像非洲野猫的萨凡纳you could pay up to $18,000 or even $20,000 depending on where you go.因你的购买源不同 花费可达1.8万到2万美元不等That’s around the price of a small car,都可以换一辆小轿车了so hopefully you’ll enjoy your Savannah cat so much所以希望你会喜欢你的萨凡纳you won’t ever want to leave the house.喜欢到甚至舍不得出门Yeah, these cats are pretty amazing,是的 这些猫都非常可爱but they’re not wanting for homes.但它们想要的不是冰冷的房子If you just want a cat to love,如果你想好好养一只猫an animal shelter or rescue organization is still the best place to go.去动物收容所或救援组织领养再好不过了,我来为大家科普一下关于世界上10种最贵的猫?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



Wait, cats have breeds?等等 猫也有品种之分?Yes, it’s true,是的 没错there’s more than just the breed “domestic cat.”“家猫”可不止一个品种While most of us ordinary humans obtain our cats from the local animal rescue我们大多数人 从当地动物救助站领养猫咪or from a friend who adopted a pregnant stray,或者从朋友家领养新生的小猫崽some people shell out money for fancy breeds of cat而有些人会花钱买名贵的品种猫and some people shell out extra-large amounts of money还有人愿意花大把的钱for really, really fancy breeds of cat.去买非常昂贵的品种猫So it might cost you up to $3,000 for a flat-faced Persian所以 一只平面波斯猫价格可能高达3000美金or $3,500 for an elegant Maine coon,according to People,而一只优雅缅甸猫价值3500美元 视市场需求而定but if you want to spend the really big bucks,如果你想花天价来买猫there are a couple hybrid breeds that will give you points这可以推荐你两种混血品种猫for having an exotic cat as well as points不仅能满足你对品种奇特性的需求for spending way more money on a cat than you really need to.还能快速消耗掉你花不完的钱According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association,据爱猫者协会介绍the Bengal is a large domestic cat that has a rosette pattern孟加拉是一种大型家猫 且皮毛上on its coat circular markings resembling those of a leopard.带有玫瑰形图案 类似豹的圆形斑纹So if you want a domesticated cat that looks like a wild one without the part所以 如果你想要一只长得像野猫where it kills you in your sleep and eats you但不是那种长相凶猛又吓人的猫you could look into purchasing a Bengal.你可以考虑买一只孟加拉This breed can trace its ancestry back to 1963,这个品种的祖先可以追溯到1963年when a breeder weirdly decided to cross那时有个饲养员不知道怎么想的a domestic cat with the Asian Leopard Cat,让家猫和亚洲豹纹猫杂交a small type of wild cat that you definitely don’t want to raise in your home.亚洲豹纹猫是一种你绝对不想养在家里的小型野猫“When this cat gets to be full grown in can rip your face off…这种猫长大后会划伤你的脸why do you seem to revel in that imagery?”为什么你好像对此很得意?All modern Bengals are descended from that original breeding program,现在所有的孟加拉都是当初杂交项目的成果although no cross-breeding with wild cats still occurs虽然我们仍用纯种猫与野猫杂交all Bengals are bred from other Bengals.但所有的孟加拉都由之前的孟加拉繁殖而来One of these cats will cost between $1,500 and $5,000.一只孟加拉价格在1500到5000美金之间You’re probably wondering你可能会好奇can a domestic cat that’s descended from a wild one一只祖先是野猫的家猫really be considered completely domesticated?真的算是被完全驯化了吗?The Cat Fancier’s Association says yes,爱猫者协会表示确实如此although this breed does have a few quirks you won’t find in most other domesticated cats.尽管这个品种确实有一些其他家猫身上没有的特点They’ll happily learn tricks, for example,例如 它们乐意学习技能while most common house cats are clearly far above such things.而大多数家猫显然不屑于这类事Many of them actually enjoy getting wet, too,很多孟加拉也很喜欢玩水and you know how most common house cats feel about that.而大多家猫有多怕水 你心中有数So Bengals are mostly like the cats we’re used to sharing our homes with,所以孟加拉像极了已经习惯和我们同住的猫with a few fun and unexpected differences.能够带来乐趣和意想不到的收获Dropping $5,000 is nothing, though, compared to the most expensive cat breed in the world.不过 比起世界上最昂贵的品种猫 5000美元算不了什么According to the Savannah Cat Association,据热带草原猫协会介绍the Savannah is another hybrid between a domestic cat and a wild cat.萨凡纳是另一种家猫和野猫的杂交种Savannahs are the product of breeding domestic shorthair cats to the African serval,萨凡纳是驯化后的短毛猫和非洲薮猫的杂交后代which is a long way spotted species with large ears and a short tail.这是一种有着大耳朵和短尾巴的斑点猫There are a lot of genetic differences between domestic cats and servals,家猫和萨凡纳有很多遗传差异so early generations of Savannah produced fertile females and sterile males.早期的萨凡纳雌猫有繁殖力 而雄猫没有In later generations, the males were fertile, too,后来的后代中 雄猫也有了繁殖力so breeders could start breeding Savannahs to other Savannahs.这样饲养员就可以让萨凡纳彼此交配繁殖Today’s Savannah is still sort of a work in progress unlike Bengal cat breeders,如今的饲养员仍然在发展萨凡纳的品种who no longer cross in Asian leopard cats,而孟加拉却不再与亚洲豹纹猫杂交Savannah breeders are still producing cats that are 50% African serval.萨凡纳饲养员仍然在培育有一半非洲薮猫血统的萨凡纳So if you want a cat that is literally half-wild,所以 如果你想要一只半野生的猫somewhere out there is a breeder who will happily take your money.某个地方有个饲养员正等着接你的生意Or you can get later generations of Savannahs或者你可以养血统不纯的后来几代that are the result of breeding Savannah to Savannah.就是萨凡纳彼此交配繁殖出的后代How much you spend on your Savannah cat depends a lot on萨凡纳的价格主要取决于which generation the animal is它的繁殖代数and how close it original breeds seval以及它和纯种野生型的血缘亲疏So you may only spend $1,500 on a pet-quality sixth or seventh generation Savannah,所以你可以只花1500美元买一只六代或七代萨凡纳but if you want a first-generation breeding-quality female但如果你要一只血统纯正的一代母猫that looks pretty darn similar to a wild African cat,看起来非常像非洲野猫的萨凡纳you could pay up to $18,000 or even $20,000 depending on where you go.因你的购买源不同 花费可达1.8万到2万美元不等That’s around the price of a small car,都可以换一辆小轿车了so hopefully you’ll enjoy your Savannah cat so much所以希望你会喜欢你的萨凡纳you won’t ever want to leave the house.喜欢到甚至舍不得出门Yeah, these cats are pretty amazing,是的 这些猫都非常可爱but they’re not wanting for homes.但它们想要的不是冰冷的房子If you just want a cat to love,如果你想好好养一只猫an animal shelter or rescue organization is still the best place to go.去动物收容所或救援组织领养再好不过了
