相信大家都知道,人称代词 “我” 的主格为 “I”,宾格为 “me”但在表示 “某人和我” 时,以 “你和我” 为例,应该说 “you and I” 还是 “you and me”?其实很简单,做主语时用“I”,做宾语时用“me”,我来为大家科普一下关于人称代词的几种形式大全?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



相信大家都知道,人称代词 “我” 的主格为 “I”,宾格为 “me”。但在表示 “某人和我” 时,以 “你和我” 为例,应该说 “you and I” 还是 “you and me”?其实很简单,做主语时用“I”,做宾语时用“me”。

“我” 在句中做主语时,使用主格 “I”,当 “某人与我” 一起时,则为 “someone and I”。

Sam and I are making a video.

Tom and I are getting coffee.

You and I would need to talk.

My mum and I have a lot in common.

“我” 在句中做宾语时,使用宾格 “me”,当 “某人与我” 一起时,则为 “someone and me”。

If you've got a problem, talk to Sam or me.

You're going to be working with me and Tom.

Let's forget about what happened between you and me.

You have to be honest with me and our manager.

在正式场合,如英语写作中对 “我” 的主格 “I” 和宾格 “me” 的区分使用要求比日常口语中要严格。
