看美剧时候注意到这样的一个俚语:close to the vest。(《绝望的主妇》第一季第六集)

“'I'm not surprised he's playing it close to the vest.”


该俚语的缘由:那时候的人们经常在外面穿件背心。我们知道扑克老手是绝对不会让任何人看到自己手里的牌的,所以他总是把手里的牌紧紧贴近自己的胸前,就是靠近背心的位置,也就是close to the vest,这样就没有人知道他手中的秘密了。

所以,close to the vest一直被用来指某人行事小心谨慎或者对某事严守机密。

例句1:He is a guy whom you could depend on because he can keep anything close to the vest.

例句2:I'm playing it close to the vest this time. I failed this time because too many people learned of my plans before I was ready to act.


I am playing it close to the vest now.
