fishing 钓鱼,捕鱼

fishing line 钓鱼线

fishing rod 鱼竿

reel 渔线轮

spool 线轴

angler 钓鱼者

pole 杆

bait 鱼饵

fly 假蝇

fishhook 鱼钩

barb 倒钩

eye 钩眼

float 浮标

tackle 钓具

tackle box 钓具箱

net 网

raincoat 雨衣

waders 高筒防水靴,涉水鸟,涉禽

creel 鱼篓

lead weight 吊垂

landing net 抄网

keep net 活鱼笼

harpoon 鱼叉

spear fishing 鱼叉捕鱼

freshwater fishing 淡水垂钓

deep sea fishing 深海垂钓

marine fishing 海洋捕捞

surfcasting 激浪投钓

fly fishing 假蝇垂钓

cast 撒网

release 放生

bite 咬钩

reel in 收线

catch 捕捉


The float will move when a fish is caught.鱼上钩后浮标会动的。

I think I'm reeling something in. 我觉得我钓上来了点东西。

Why don't you put on these waders? 你为什么不穿防水靴呢?

One and a half hours later, I caught several fish.一个半小时之后我钓上了几条鱼。

I think a fish is eating my bait. 我觉得一条鱼正在吃我的鱼饵。

He released the fish brcause it was too small. 他把鱼放生了,因为它太小了。

The fish is too big to reel in. 这鱼太大了,收不回线来。

