


Strand, Michael, and Omar Lizardo. 2017. “The Hysteresis Effect: Theorizing Mismatch in Action.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour47 (2): 164–94.


在处理the relation between 行动者的beliefs and 社会的reality时,社会学理论常常会陷入两难困境:要么belief是被动的,反映和匹配外在实在以致陷入representationalism 、,要么承认belief是主动的,内在实在,现象学的,陷入mentalism。


Micheael Strand and Omar Lizardo从布迪厄的分类入手,区分出和信念邻近的“倾向”、“doxa”,以之与“知识”相对立。

Important in this respect is that dispositions and belief are both distinguishable from knowledge...dispositionalism treats a representational content as incidental to belief : representations matter only as supports for belief-based predispositions to certain kinds of action. (借用Rylean dispositionalism)...doxa =common belief ..By using doxa we accept many things without knowing them ... as it posits a relationship of “acceptance” without a propositional content that is internally represented

进一步,Strand, Michael, and Omar Lizardo决定换个思路:如何理解行动者的信念和变迁着的环境/实在之间相匹配,生产出“想当然的”世界的时间过程?



(1)The temporality of “action” results from the relationship between practical belief and the environment.

(2)Practical belief “shapes and canalizes” action with its own temporality, anticipating possibilities that may or may not match institutional patterns of the environment generated via a different temporality

(3)Belief-based action is thus dependent on the dynamic coordination between “subpersonal, personal, and extra-personal” processes supportive of cognition in the “extended” sense

(4)mismatch/match:they emerge as a regularity of linking the practical past with the contingent present in action


最后一个概念:错配/匹配,则是一个不错的入手点。因为布迪厄提出过“hysteresis”——相较上面那些概念, 这个概念是被后来的诠释者处理得相对较少的。

Hysteresis occurs within contextual environments that (as a rule) dynamically change at a faster rate than the practical belief embodied (e.g. “generated”) in the actor through interactions with past versions of the environments can anticipate


(1)Strand, Michael, and Omar Lizardo系统考查了磁滞概念的概念系,不仅仅是布迪厄


The Scottish engineer and physicist Alfred Ewing(1885) is credited with resurrecting the term from Ancient Greek in order toexplain the persistent effects in ferric metals stemming from their temporary




布迪厄是怎么提出这个概念的呢?(其实很像aging and society分析~)法国在二战后大学扩招,但是学生们仍对高等教育与地位获得保持着原有未扩招时的期望,由此导致错配、落空,以致形成了1968的革命。



In what follows, we develop a typology of reflexives based on three systematicdimensions of what we call belief-environment coupling:

—— the relative presence of strongly structured institutional patterns providing a relational structure to the passage of time (e.g. orders of succession);

—— the relative perseverance of old practical belief within the temporality of practice after the recognition of mismatch;

——the inability to form new coherent belief in novel action patterns.


——Traditional reflexiveness类型:旧观念已经打破,新观念尚未形成,新的社会时间秩序也尚未形成。例如英国资本主义初兴时,受到冲击和反对工厂化的手工业者

——Radical reflexiveness类型:旧观念还强劲地停留在相信社会是昨日的模样。例如68年革命的学生。

——Anomic reflexiveness类型:旧观念已经打破,秩序也已经缺席,但这些打破和缺席带来的后果很严重,比如“去工业社会”中失业的工人。

——Ironic reflexiveness类型:旧观念还强劲地在,旧秩序也还在,新的秩序和观念都没有出现。比如对对教育过度投资(相信会带来地位获得)的工人,仍是完成不了理应得到的教育期望。


(Socoiological理论大缸第130 期~~编混了。。回去再重编吧。)



重新发现布鲁默:从joint action概念入手(Azarian,2017)


