


look after 照顾,照看

one after another 一个挨着一个地,一个接一个

day after day 一天一天地,一天又一天

run after 追赶她,询问; 打听,

After you! 您先请

ask after 问候

be after sb. 追赶某人; 跟随某人

ever after 从此以后一直...

ever afterwards 从此以后一直...

after hours下班时间



go through 经历,经过

Live through 度过,经受住

think through 思考...直到得出结论

look through仔细查看,浏览,温习

all through一直,从来就

be through a. 做完,完成;打通关系

through and through 完全地,彻底地,反复地

Break through 突围,突破

Come through 经历...仍活着

Cut through 用锋利的金属切割某物,穿过,穿透

Drag through 缓慢穿越,慢慢通过(某障碍)

Drive through 驱车穿越

Drop through 没能完成

Fall through 失败,落空

Flounder through 艰难、吃力地穿过

Follow through 完全按照指示做;彻底贯彻

Gallop through 策马飞奔

Get through 完成;度过;被理解

Go through 遭受,经历;检查,被通过

Hit through 抽杀成功

Live through 度过,经受住

Look through 浏览;详尽检查

See through 看穿,识破

come through 经历,脱险

see through 看穿,识破,干完,干到底

go through 经历,经受,详细检查

break through 突破

fall through 落空,失败

get through 结束,完成,接通电话

live through 度过,经受过

look through 仔细查看,浏览,温习

be wet through 全部湿透

read through the newspaper 通读报纸

through 剪断,凿穿

through a telescope 用望远镜

rush through 匆忙做完,快速通过

think through 思考...直到得出结论

vote through 表决通过;投票同意

carry through 完成,贯彻,进行;帮助克服困难

run through 跑着穿过,刺,戳,贯穿,匆匆处理,划掉,挥霍

breeze through 轻快地通过;轻松地完成

follow through 坚持到底

bring through 救活

pass through 通过,经过,穿过;经历

pull through 度过难关,恢复健康

cut through 凿穿,抄近路穿过;克服,撇开

put through 使穿过,使从事,使经受,搞成,接通

scrape through 勉强通过

see sb. through 关心…渡过难关

work through 渗透,没法干完

sweep through 传遍

drag through the mud 玷污,毁谤,诋毁

soak through 渗入, 湿透

move through 通过,穿过,突破,穿行于

sail through v. 轻快地走过

squeak through 勉强通过,侥幸取胜

push through 设法通过;挤过,穿过

through and through 彻头彻尾地,从头到尾地;反复,穿透

walk through 通过,走过场,敷衍了事



all over 到处

run over 略读,略述,辗过,浏览,匆匆复习

come over 过来,顺便拜访

get over 克服, (从病中) 恢复过来

go over 复习,仔细地再读一遍

hand over 交出,移交,让与

over and over 再三,一遍又一遍

take over 接管,接办

think over 仔细考虑

turn over 翻车,翻阅,翻身

all over the world 全世界

look over 检查,查看,调查

over there 在那边

all over the world/the country 全世界/全国

over and over(again) 一再地,再三地

be all over 全场结束

be over 结束

get... over 克服;恢复;原谅

blow over 经过,走过;吹散,平息,消失,遗忘,淡忘

chew over 寻思,细想,仔细考虑

glance over 浏览,草草看一看

hold over 拖延,继任,以...威胁

stay over 过夜

tide over 度过,克服

sleep over 借宿别人处,忽视,不注意

over here 这里

pass over 不注意,忽略;省略

over the sea 在海外

pull over v.把...拉过来,靠岸,开到路边

put over v.把...放在上,使转向,推迟,拖延,驶过,使被接受,(尤指以欺骗手段)做成功

puzzle over 苦苦思索,为…大伤脑筋

roll over 翻身,反侧

skip over v.略过,遗漏,作短期旅行

stop over 在中途作短暂逗留

switch over 转换,转向…

tip over 翻倒,使翻倒,倾侧,使倾侧

voice over 旁白

walk over n.虐待,利用

watch over 监视,看守,照顾,照应

win over 把…争取过来;赢得…的同意或支持

fork over (不情愿地)交出, 交付, 放弃

maiden over n. 〈板球〉未得分的投球

over again 再一次, 重新

sign over 签字移交

spread over 遍布在..., 复盖在...

pick over v.仔细检查...以便选出优品(或剔除劣品)分档挑选

brick over 用砖铺

lord it over 向...逞威风, 对...称王称霸
