

  1. 加减乘除的英文表达

    加法:用plus,and,add...to...或added to 等表示。如:3 2=5 Threeplus two is five.

    减法:用minus,taken from,take away from 等表示。如:15-5=10 Fifteen minus five leaves ten.

    乘法:用times,multiplied by 等表示。如:3X4=12 Threetimes four is twelve.

    除法:用divided by,divid....into 等表示。如:20÷5=4 Twenty divided by five is four.

  2. 表示“几次乘方(幂)”时,指数用序数词,底数用基数词。当表示“平方”时用动词square,"立方”用动词cube.

    如:2的5次方,就是5个2相乘,2是底数,用基数词;5是指数,用序数词。the fifth power of two

    10的平方,就是ten squared.

    5的立方,英文是five cubed.

  3. 常用数学公式的表达法.

    a>b a is more than b.

    a<b a is less than b.

    a≈b a approximately equals b

    a≠b a is not equal to b

  4. 比例与开根的英文表达。a:b the ratio of a to b

    12:4=3 The ratio of twelve to four equals three.

    √4=2 the square root of four is two.
