A: If you don't follow what I say,I'll beat you black and blue.

B: You are cowing me?

A: So what!

B: So let's see who will be beaten black and blue!


beat/bi:t/-beat-beaten/bi:tn/:v. 打(连续地,使劲地击打),打败

A man is beating that poor boy.一个男人在打那个可怜的孩子

The rain is beating the window.雨敲打着窗棂

If we don't prepare for the speech contest, they'll beat us.如果我们不为演讲比赛做充分的准备,他们会击败我们的

They beat drums to cheer up the players.他们敲鼓来为选手加油

He's still alive--his heart is beating.他还活着,他的心还在跳

Have a cow: (informal)心慌意乱,焦躁,恼怒

My mother had a cow when I was going to buy a motorbike.

Cow: vt 恐吓,威胁 She was easily cowed by people in authority. 她很容易被有权势的人吓住
