


Is your team slacking?(你的团队在磨员工吗?)

That’s the question we have asked over 1200 leaders and managers for the past 17 years (针对这个我们我们在过去的17年时间咨询了超1200名领导和经理)。when people on your team are not contributing they are not pulling their weight literally(当你团队的成员没有贡献时,是因为他们没有真正的发挥自己的力量)。

In a very first demonstration of this people were pulling a rope(在一次特殊的拉绳示范中),on average people were able to pull 63 kilos of force per person(每个人平均能拉63千克的力)。You put those people in two teams of three(你将这些人放入到二人或者三人的团队中),it goes down to 53 kilos per person(平均每个人下降到53千克的力)。You put them in teams of eight now we are down at 31 kilos per person(你将他们放到一个8人的团队里面,每人平均降低到31千克的力).This social loafing effect has also been replicated in intellectual challenges、creativity tasks、complex reasoning and it occurs across cultures India、japan、taiwan in addition to the US(在智力挑战、创造性任务、复杂推理等方面,这种社会懒散效应也得到了复制。除了美国,印度、日本、台湾等其他国家的文化也存在这种现象)。

I had an opportunity to work with the senior vice president at the Bulk Matic transport company(我有机会和Bulk Matic运输公司的高级副总裁一起工作)。Brians safety team at Bulk Maticwas tasked with a really important project(Brian的安全小组在Bulk Matic供方测试一个非常重要的项目)。How to install 500 smart drive cameras in their tractors and produced coaching clips and instill driver acceptance(怎样在拖拉机上安装500个智能摄像机,制作指导视屏并让司机接受) 。the team had been working for several months(项目开展了几个月时间),but there hadnot been any process(但是没有任何进度),the team wasn’t engaged(团队也不是很忙碌)。 Drivers were quitting team members were not showing up to meeting and when they did show up they came 60 to 90 minutes late(司机们经常不参加会议,等到他们出现的时候,都晚了60-90分钟),they hadnot produced a single coaching chip(他们没有提供一个单独的指导视频)。The phone calls were wandering off in different directions(电话也是此起披伏)。So Brain an I put our head together and worked up a four pronged intervention plan to increase engagement (于是Brain和我再一起想了办法,从4个方面来条恒大家的参与度)。

1、Step one :a team contract(第一步,团队协议),a team contract is a one-page(团队协议就是一页纸),preferably half a page mission statement of the team(最好一半是团队任务说明)。Focusing on three things the goal、the responsibilities and the norms(围绕着目标、责任、规范来进行)。Everybody signs everybody commits(每个人都签订自己任务),Brian called me the first day after he introduce to his team(Brian 在介绍他们团队的第一天就给我打了电话),he said this was the most productive meeting the team had never had and it surprised him how much a simple tool could increase the engagement of the team(他说这真是一个搞笑的会议,真没有想到一个简单的工具能增加团队的参与度)。

2、Step two :short frequent meeting as opposed to long drawn-out meetings(第二步,简短而频繁的会议而不是冗长的会议)。The research is in teams work to fill them time(团队的研究过这个时间)。Brian's safety team noticed that longer the distance was between the meetings the more the team started to drift off(Brian 的安全团队注意到会议时间越长,团队成员就离题越来越远),so Brian started hosting more frequent shorter meetings and in each of these meetings(所以Brian开始就召开频繁而简短的会议) ,they revisited the team contract(他们重新更新了合同)。

3、Step 3,stand and deliver literally(第三步,站立并交付)。Every week team members need to stand up and report out of team what they have accomplished that week case in point(每周团队成员需要站着汇报他们这周工作的完成情况)。Google ventures weekly Tuesday meetings everybody stands up and reports out what they have accomplished(谷歌公司每周四例会,每位成员都需要站着汇报他们工作的刚完成情况)。The research is in teams that stand up are 34% more productive teams than sit down(研究表明,站着工作的效率比坐着能提高34%)。

4、 Step 4,create a line of sight when team members can see how theyare having an impact on the end goal(第四步:建立一个趋势线看板,让团队成员能够看到他们对结果的影响程度),they are much more engaged(他们会更投入).Let me give you an example(我给你一个例子),This was looking at the engagement in a fundraising organization(这是一个寻找募捐人员的参与度),three groups(三个小组) ,one team had direct contact with the beneficiary(一个小组与募捐人直接接触),another group read a letter from he beneficiary and one group had no contact at all with the beneficiary(一个小组读了募捐人的来信,另一个小组与募捐人没有任何接触)。One month later(一个月过后),the group who had contact with the beneficiary raised 71% more money(那个与募捐人直接接触的小组筹集了团队71%的资金) 。so what happened at Bulk Matic(所以Bulk Matic发生了什么),the safety team successfully installed 500 smart drive cameras on schedule(安全小组按照计划成功的安装了500台只能摄像机),prior to the intervention (在干预之前),they had only installed 60after several months and at-risk driver behaviors cut to only 5% down from high double digits (他们用了几个月安装了60个摄像机,并将危险驾驶系数降低至5%)。

The team contract was a game-changer for Bulk Matic and it can be a game changer for your team as well。(团队协议改变了Bulk Matic,同样能够改变你的团队)。

