1 believe

If you believe a person or believe what they say, you accept that what they say is true.

If you believe that something is the case, you think that it is the case.

⚠️WARNING: Believe is not used in continuous tenses, even when you are talking about something which is happening now. You do not say, for example, 'I am believing you'. You say 'I believe you'.

2 don't believe

Instead of saying that you 'believe that something is not' the case, you usually say that you don't believe that it is the case.

3 'believe' before an object and a 'to' - infinitive

Believe can be followed by an object and a 'to' - infinitive. For example, instead of saying 'I believed that she was clever', you can say 'I believed her to be clever'. This is a rather formal use.

4 passive forms

Similarly, you can say either that it is believed that something is the case, or that something is believed to be the case. For example, you can say 'It is believed that the building is 700 years old' or 'The building is believed to be 700 years old'.

5 believe so

If someone asks you if something is the case, you can say 'I believe so'.

⚠️ Note that when you are asked if something is the case, you do not say 'I believe it'.

6 believe in

If you believe in God or in such things as ghosts or Father Christmas, you think that they exist. If you believe in such things as miracles, you think that they happen.

If you believe in an idea or policy, you are in favour of it because you think it is good or right, or will have the desired result.

