1.杯弓蛇影:mistaking the reflection of a bow in the cup for a snake——extremely suspicious
2.杯盘狼藉:wine cups and dishes lying about in disorder after a feast
3.杯水车薪:try to put out a blazing cartload of faggots with a cup of water——and utterly inadequate measure
5.悲从中来:feel sadness welling up
6.悲欢离合:joys and sorrows, partings and reunion—vicissitude of life
7.悲天悯人:lament the state of heaven and pity the fate of the man, feel indignant at the depraved state of society and the misery of the people
8.悲喜交集:mixed feelings of grief and joy, grief mingled with joy
9.备而不用:have sth ready just in case, keep sth for the name list for reference
10.背道而驰:run counter to, be contradictory to
12.背山面海:with hills behind and sea in front
13.背水一战:fight with one’s back to the river—fight to win or die
14.背信弃义:act in bad faith, be faithless
15.悖逆忠言:disloyal treasonable, rebellious
16.悖入悖出:ill-gotten, ill-spent; easy come, easy go
17.奔走呼号:go around crying for help or campaigning for a cause
18.奔走相告:run around passing on the message, rush about spreading the exciting news
19.本本主义:book worship, faith in dogma or punctilious adherence to written rules and directives; dogmatism
20.本固枝荣:when the root is firm, the branches flourish
21.本来面目:objective reality, true features, truth
22.本末倒置:put the cart before the horse
23.本轻利重:the capital is small, but the profit remarkable; low coast great profit
24.本乡本土:native soil, native land, home village
25.本小利微:small capital and little gain—a small business
26.笨口拙舌:awkward in speech
27.笨手笨脚:clumsy, awkward, bumbling
28.笨头笨脑:dull, thick