
The ability to turn yourself invisible would open up a whole world of possibility.


In new horror movie The Invisible Man, a woman believes she is being haunted by her abusive ex-partner who took his own life shortly after she escaped the relationship.


She’s set to inherit a large portion of his wealth and assets, but only if she can stay sane—difficult to prove when you believe you’re being tormented by a ghost.


It’s loosely based on the 1897 novel of the same name, which saw a man turn himself invisible by injecting himself with a serum.


Invisibility was the stuff of science fiction then, but 100 years later, is it any more plausible?


Scientists have determined that there is a fundamental physical limit to invisibility that we cannot break.


While there are cloaking devices that work by bending light around a material, the larger an object is, the more difficult it becomes to hide completely.


Researchers at City University of New York have managed to make the tip of one of their instruments completely invisible—but they do not believe it will ever be possible to completely cloak a human being.


Only time will tell if they’re correct.


In the meantime, scientists have developed extraordinary methods of hiding sounds, objects and movements—just not necessarily from the naked eye.


Engineers in Spain and Slovakia have developed a cylindrical container that hides metal from metal detectors, while a British defence company has created a camouflage system that masks a vehicle’s infrared signature, making it invisible to heat detectors.


A Dutch designer also worked on creating a suit that would turn completely transparent whenever the wearer lied—providing a strong incentive to always tell the truth.



1. abusive adj. (of behavior) involving violence 虐待的

2. asset n. [usually plural ] a thing of value, especially property 资产;财产

3. sane adj. having a normal healthy mind; not mentally ill 精神健全的;神志正常的

4. see v. to consider sth as a future possibility; to imagine sb/sth as sth 设想;想像

5. plausible adj. reasonable and likely to be true or valid 有道理的;可信的;似乎真实的

6. cylindrical adj. in the shape of a cylinder圆柱形的;圆筒状的

7. camouflage n. a way of hiding something, especially soldiers and military equipment, by using paint, leaves etc, so that they look like part of their surroundings (军事上的)伪装,隐蔽

8. incentive n. something that encourages you to do sth 激励;刺激

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