英语有许多特点,这些特点使那些刚学英语的人感到困惑。它们包括同音异形词、同音异义词、复合词和词组,这些词看起来和听起来都很相似,但意思却完全不同。复合词,可以是一个或两个词,特别容易混淆。今天,我们学习一下四个最常见的容易用错的复合词组:everyday vs everyday, anytime vs any time, while vs a while, sometime vs some time, someday vs some day。

every day能当连词吗(容易混淆的几组复合词及其含义)(1)

1. Everyday vs Every day

像许多复合词一样,“everyday”和“every day”在口语中比在书面语中更容易混淆,因为大多数说英语的人不能正确地理解它们各自的意思。

l Everyday—这是个形容词; 意思是“平凡的”、“典型的”、“普通的” 或 “标准的”。短语“everyday routine” 指的是没有什么不寻常的事情发生的普通的一天。随着英语变得越来越不正式,你偶尔会听到人们把这个词用作名词,是 “日常琐事” 的一种速记形式。

l Every day—当用两个词来表示“每一天”时,Every是day的形容词。检查你的用法是否正确的一个简单方法是用单词each替换every,并检查你的句子是否仍然有意义。例如,“every day routine” 不正确,而 “each day I drink a glass of milk” 正确。

every day能当连词吗(容易混淆的几组复合词及其含义)(2)

2 . Anytime vs Any time

这个复合词是英语语言变化的一个例子。几十年前,人们普遍接受的标准是将“any time”写成两个单词。少数学者仍然认为使用复合版本是懒写。

l Anytime [Any time] 是副词,意思是随时随地。在几乎所有的情况下,两个词版本和复合词版本的意思是相同的,并且可以互换使用。

– I am available anytime if you’d like me to help with your move.

– I am available any time if you’d like me to help with your move.


l “any time” [或anytime]也可以用作连词。

Anytime we had the chance we would go for a swim.– Any time we had the chance we would go for a swim.


l 在少数情况下,表达任何时间都应该分体形式any time

1) 当短语与介词“at”连用时。

–I will gladly help at any time of the day or night.


2) 当指的是一段时间时。

–Do you have any time to review my test today?


every day能当连词吗(容易混淆的几组复合词及其含义)(3)

3. A While vs Awhile

l A while –这是一个名词短语,意思是一段时间。确保正确使用单词的一个测试方法是将“a while”替换为另一个时间单位。如果这个句子仍然有意义,你就正确地使用了这个短语。.– It has been a while since I last drank coffee. – It has been a month since I last drank coffee.

l Awhile -这个复合词的意思是“一段时间”,是副词。检查你是否正确使用这个词的一种方法是用另一个副词代替这个词.– The dog waited awhile for his dinner.– The dog waited patiently for his dinner.

every day能当连词吗(容易混淆的几组复合词及其含义)(4)

4. sometime vs Some time


l Sometime –有时既是副词又是形容词.


– I will finish my landscaping project sometime.


– Tony, a sometime UPS driver, now plays professional poker for a living.

l Some time –当写成两个单词时,“some time”意味着“一段时间”,通常用来指很长一段时间.– Jack has lived in this neighbourhood for some time.

every day能当连词吗(容易混淆的几组复合词及其含义)(5)

4. Someday vs Some day

l Someday –这个复合词是一个副词,意思是“在不确定的将来”。

– Someday I will invest in a new mobile phone but the old one will be ok until I do so. 总有一天我会买一个新的手机,但是旧的手机在我买之前是没问题的。

l Some day –Some和一个名词day。Some表示“未知的”或“未指定的”。当与day配对时,它意味着一个未知的日子。.– The term paper is due some day in May. 学期论文应该在五月的某一天交

every day能当连词吗(容易混淆的几组复合词及其含义)(6)



1.Political pundits are watching members of Congress to see which of them are the most likely to some day be President.


2.The store is having a sale on everyday men’s clothing.


3.For some people living in third world countries, every day crime is a major concern.


4.The bakery has chairs outside the shop for customers to rest a while and enjoy their purchase.


5.After a while, I began to calm down and feel more relaxed.


6.Give me a call sometime and we can meet for coffee.


7.The studio says they will announce the release date for the new James Bond movie some time soon.

