WIPO China: Help WIPO to Help You–Provide an Email Address Now!




A key component of the Madrid System’s digital transformation – aiming to provide all customers with premium services – is to enhance the reliability and efficiency of communications, using email notifications.

为此,我们希望马德里体系的申请人、所有人和代理均能提供电子邮箱地址。从2023年1月1日起,这将成为一项强制性规则。详情请见文末Information Notice 19/2022。

To achieve this, we need an email address for all applicants, holders and representatives. Important! This will be a mandatory requirement from January 1, 2023. For more information, refer to Information Notice 19/2022 at the end of this article.


For Madrid System users based in China, we still have some 1800 active international registrations without an email address. We urge anyone who has not yet done so to provide an email address.

在此,我们恳请相关中国用户尽快选择以下方式向世界知识产权组织提供电子邮箱地址:通过eMadrid中的“更改所有人信息(Change Holder Details)”或“管理代理人(Manage Representative)”在线表格。您也可以直接向oneemailformadrid@wipo.int发送邮件,提交有关信息。

You can submit – or update – your email address via eMadrid, using "Change Holder Details" or "Manage Representative". Alternatively, send us your email address directly – indicating the international registration numbers concerned – to oneemailformadrid@wipo.int.


We look forward to hearing from you!


图:WIPO | Photo: WIPO
